
How do i solve these hard maths questions?

by Guest62614  |  earlier

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Solve the following initial value problem and give the domain of your solution. Check the initial value; you do not have to check the differential equation.

dy/dx+ y = 9xe^2x; with y = -1 when x = 0.

(b) Solve the following initial value problem and give the domain of your solution. Check the differential equation; you do not have to check the initial value.

dy/dx + cos(x)y = 2xe^((x^2)-sin(x)); with y = 0 when x = 0.




  1. (a) Since the equation is already in standard form, the integrating factor is easily found:

    e^[ ∫ dx] = e^x

    Multiplying both sides by e^x results in

    (d/dx)[ (e^x)y ] = 9xe^3x

    Integrating both sides, where integration by parts is used on the right side, you have

    (e^x)y  = c - e^(3x) + 3xe^(3x)

    y = ce^x - e^(2x) + 3xe^(2x)

    Using y(0) = -1,

    -1 = c - 1 + 0

    c = 0

    So the solution is

    y = - e^(2x) + 3xe^(2x)

    The interval of solution is simply



    dy/dx + cos(x)y = 2xe^( x^2 - sin(x) )

    Here the integrating factor is

    e^[∫cos(x) dx ] = e^(sinx)

    Multiplying both sides by  e^(sinx) results in

    (d/dx)[ye^(sinx)] = 2xe^[ x^2 - sin(x) + sin(x) ]

    (d/dx)[ ye^(sinx) ] = 2xe^[ x^2 ]

    ye^(sinx) = e^(x^2) + c

    y = e^[x^2 - sinx] + ce^(-sinx)

    Using y(0)=0

    0 = e^(0) + c

    c = -1

    So you have

    y = e^[x^2 - sinx] - e^(-sinx)

    The interval of solution is again


  2. dy/dx+ y = 9xe^2x

    => e^x dy/dx + y e^x = 9x e^3x

    => d/dx (ye^x) = 9xe^3x

    => ∫d(ye^x) = 9∫xe^3x dx

    => ye^x = 9[x∫e^3x dx - ∫[d/dx(x)∫e^3x dx]dx ]

    => ye^x = 3xe^3x - e^3x + c

    Plugging x= 0 and y  -1

    => -1 = -1 + c => c = 0

    => y = (3x - 1)e^2x

    Domain of y is R.

    [I corrected the error in computing c after reading answer of Baker Street Irregular as above.]


    dy/dx + cos(x)y = 2xe^((x^2)-sin(x))

    => e^sinx dy/dx + cosx * y * e^sinx = 2x e^(x²)

    => d/dx (ye^sinx) = 2xe^(x²)

    => d(ye^sinx) = 2xe^(x²) dx

    => ∫d(ye^sinx) =  2∫xe^(x²) dx

    => ye^sinx = e^(x²) + c

    Plugging x=0 and y = 0

    => 0 = 1 + c => c = -1

    => y = [e^(x²) - 1] / e^sinx

    Domain of y is R.

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