
How do i spike a volleyball better?

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i can spike the ball realllly hard, but almost always it goes out of bounds. sometimes i end up hitting the back wall but most of the time its just outside the lines. ive been trying for everrrr to figure it out but i reallllly can't. what do you think it causing me to hit it out of bounds? im pretty sure im snapping. thanks!




  1. JUMPP!

  2. youre NOT snapping. thats why it's going out of the line. you have to also get the right angle

  3. Make sure you are hitting on top of the ball and jumping very high. You may not be snapping your wrist so practice just left, right-left JUMP really high, and snap. I do it in my living room all the time, this helps your calves and gets your approach down really well. Eventually, after doing it a ton, it becomes second nature.

  4. Thats good that ur snapping. but u see the ball? u have to have an approach. left, righ, left, jump and hit. u r probably going to early. Wait for the ball to leave the setter's hands. Then go. Make sure the ball is in front of u at all times when ur hitting. Hope that helps. Good luck!

  5. first of all hit less hard when ur learning. it took me about 2 years  to perfect my spike and it is very hard!!! if u use the 3 step approach you could start ur approach sooner. and keep ur hand wide open.

    hope u get better.

  6. if you flick ur wrist straight down?  cuz if you are, it shouldn't be going out of bounds.  Also, you should be jumping straight up and have ur hand going above the net for a good spike.

  7. The same way you get good at anything, KEEP PRACTICING.

  8. make ur rist feel like there is no bone right there when u hit the ball

  9. Its all about the approach and how much momentum you get..

    Your first step shouldnt be two big, The second step should be a little bigger and the last two not too big.

    So make your second step the biggest because thats the step that you start to swing your arms on:)

    And jump. Alot, Practice!!

  10. well umm all i can really come up w/ is ur not snapping...but if u say u are then idk! u might be hitting it to far behind ur head or something. Ask ur coach...he/she should be able to help...and if not ask a teamate!

    good luck!

  11. Hey, well it definetely sounds like your snapping. I dont play indoor but ive had the same problems before. Alot of it is just keeping the ball in front of you when u swing and hitting it at its highest point. Keeping the ball in front of you when you swing is key to putting the ball down and in the court. Also, how do you line yourself up to hit? alot of players are to the side when they hit the ball. if you line your body up square with the ball, point your chest where you are trying to hit the ball to and this will help with your accuracy and control. Try putting these two things into your swing and concentrate on the top half of the ball and i think you will notice the changes. good luck and lemme know how it goes...lata

  12. jump higher so you hit the top of the ball!

  13. to spike a volleyball good and properly, you have to jump high enough to be able to hit it downward, and the secret is to flick the wrist. That's what makes it go down and not out!

  14. Have you ever heard of the term "Catch a quarter"? It's basically when you put a quarter on your elbow and then snap your wrist and try to catch the quarter. Try this exercise to get an idea of the perfect snap. The snap is what usually makes your hits stay in court. Also the height that you jump. You need to get up and jump really high, no matter how tall you are to get your hits to go in. Also, a lot of the power from your hit comes from your abs/stomach muscles. So really work on turning your stomach and hips to pick an angle and a direction for the ball every time that you hit.

  15. Make sure you jump as high as you can, snap your wrist, and extend your arm all the way. If it's still oing out, don't kill it as much until you grow more to jump above the net.

  16. when you go up to hit just think to yourself (very loudly) SNAP SNAP SNAP!!!!

    also pull your arm all the way through dont just stop when you hit ball

    i have the same problem!!! when you go up make sure your body is in a backwards C curve: ) and pull your abs in when you make contact with the ball: (  that should send the ball down

    also just try hitting the ball with less force!

  17. you need to snap your wrist really hard, i would also say that you need to jump higher, also i would practice not hitting it so hard and just roll shotting it into the middle of the court, and once you perfect that then you can work on hitting it harder

  18. you need to follow through.  same w/serving.  follow through and take an approach.  if you take a long approach ther is your problem

  19. I believe if you can hit it hard enough, you should be able to jump high enough (when not high, and the ball is close to the net, you tend to hit it flat, but I guess this is not the scenario for you).

    I would recommend that you adjust your approach and jump a little farther behind your hitting spot. That would make you "reach" for the ball instead of hitting it on top of your head. When you put the ball in front of you and you reach and hit, the swing arm will bring the ball downward.

    It would also help if you flip your wrist harder, but it depends on the strength of your wrist and how much effort you would put in it. Changing of your approach is a little easier.

    A Japanese coach recommended a training method to grab two beer bottles with each of your hand and circle them for 30 minutes (twice everyday) should help you develop strength in your wrist.

    Have fun playing volleyball.

  20. take your time and step into it make sure you jump

  21. A spike is a pretty powerful offensive weapon and should be used carefully in volleyball. Position yourself 3 to 4 strides from the volleyball net. Then, anticipate where the ball is going, so you can jump and intercept it with your palm with the hand you mostly use. But, you should raise both of your hands before doing this, so the ball doesn't go back. Swing your hands forward and up while jumping. If you can't jump or can't jump high enough to reach the ball, you should spike farther away from the net if possible. But, the ball comes at you, hammer the ball with your open, right hand. Take all your strength on that ball and just hit forward as strong as you can. I used to play volleyball, and I didn't really spike the ball that much. I mostly served, but I did spike the ball once in a while. I played this when I was like, in 4th grade.

  22. It is your angle - You need to make contact more towards the top of the ball, forcing the ball to traject on more of a downward plane. The obvious solution is to get more ups . . . jump higher.

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