i live in the u.k and I ran up a mobile phone bill of £1,500. i was paying monthly instalments and got it down to £583. i stopped paying for finacial reasons but the debt was left, i never heard anything and they never chased me up for it. i went to get credit last year and was refused because of this so i rang the company to pay in full but was told by the manager of accounts that the debt was too old and had been written off and i was unable to pay it as i no longer owe them money as such. but it would stay on my credit file for 7 years. 3 years later of not hearing nothing they have now passed it onto a a solicitor who is demarnding the money, im refusing to pay it as i was told i di not owe it anymore. just need to legaly if i have any grounds to fight it as i am going to let it go to court as i dont see that i should pay it when i offerd to settle this over a year ago. and what can they do? they can not take any belongings from me as nothing is in my name and i accept i will recieve a ccj. i just want to no the reality of it. thankyou