
How do i start a big business like ford .?

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Okay i mite sound a little crazy so don't criticize me. I want to make a business like Ford or Lexus , a big company can someone please help me. I need the steps to start thanks.




  1. One way to create a great business is to create a NEED that doesn't currently exist. Think of things like the iPod, or Wii. These are products that people don't *really* need, per se, but a great product, with great design and marketing, creates a need in people's mind and they buy like crazy.

    Some years ago parents fought each other at places like Toys 'R Us just to buy a Tickle Me Elmo for their kids at Christmas. If you can get kids to want/need an item, the demand goes up. It's shameless marketing, but, alas, it works.

    So, you can figure out what people already need, and make it better/faster/stronger, OR you can CREATE a new need, and be the only player in the market.

    Creativity and willingness to take risks goes a long way in business. Good Luck!

  2. Start small and grow it but make sure its a good idea and that you are selling something people need.  The more people need it the less of a genius you will have to be to have a sucessful company and visa versa.

  3. You start out small, like Henry Ford did, building Model A's one at a time in his barn.

    Your great-grandchildren will be the ones to run the big business that you start.

  4. You need to come up with a completely new idea that others in an industry haven't thought of yet and may even scoff at. And it must be an idea that fulfills a practical need for the majority of people in society, and you have to know how to properly market it. Henry Ford wanted to produce cars as quickly and cheaply as possible and make them affordable for the masses, back in the days when cars were slowly and individually handcrafted and intended mainly as recreational toys for the wealthy few. Automobiles at the time were expensive and tended to break down often, so most people still relied on horses for transportation and understandably didn't think very highly of them. So he invented the assembly line, designed a practical and reliable engine, and the rest is automotive history.

    Bill Gates started with the idea that the most important part of a computer is the operating system, back in the days when everybody (including the then computer giant IBM) was focusing on manufacturing hardware. Of course, good old Bill was never actually a very good programmer and stole the idea for DOS (which later evolved into Windows) from other people, but he did recognize it's real value when everybody else in the business dismissed operating systems as trivial. Now, almost every PC in the world is known as a "Windows PC", and IBM (which once set the standard for personal computers) has fallen into obscurity.

  5. You don't start a big business.  You start a small business and grow it (if you are successful).

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