
How do i start a organization/charity for cancer?!?

by  |  earlier

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i am really pumped to start a organization/charity for family and friends of loved ones lost from this horrible do i even get started?? i have all these amazing ideas and thoughts and dont even know where to begin?? do i need alot of money and other people? please help!




  1. if you don't already have a lot of money, and you don't have a job that allows you to constantly be in contact with and engaged with people who have a lot of money, I'd say you're out of luck.

    I mean, it's a nice attitude, but really, if you don't have the means to start up a foundation or charity on your own, it really isn't a very practical plan, now is it?

    Are you sure you wouldn't rather invest your energy in supporting an existing charity, either financially or through volunteer work? I mean, that way you could take an active role, and perhaps make even more of a difference.

  2. Well done - the world needs more people such as you.

    However, the other answers have good points.  To run anything these days takes not only money but commitment of your time.  

    If you have an interest in cancer - can I suggest you find a small, local charity and offer to work for them first.  That will give you a quick introduction into the legalities, the paper work and the admin. costs.  

    Then you will have a good basis with which to start your own charity.

    And I could I ask a favor please?  I have started my own 'charity' - a website called Having Fun After Cancer -   Could you tell anyone connected with cancer that the website is there to give information about helpful products and treatments for life after cancer.  

    And good luck - don't let negative comments put you off - just take it slowly and methodically.

    Verite R

  3. You know, if you don't already have a lot of money, and you don't have a job that allows you to constantly be in contact with and engaged with people who have a lot of money, I'd say you're out of luck.

    I mean, it's a nice attitude, but really, if you don't have the means to start up a foundation or charity on your own, it really isn't a very practical plan, now is it?

    Are you sure you wouldn't rather invest your energy in supporting an existing charity, either financially or through volunteer work? I mean, that way you could take an active role, and perhaps make even more of a difference.

  4. Why start a new organization or charity?

    There are many out there already, people get overwhelmed by the number and variety and stop giving to any.

    Better to join an existing charity that covers the cause you are interested in and help promote it.

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