
How do i start a propanganda poster on global warming?

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what do i use?




  1. The global warming hoax is really an attempt to slow and halt the search for oil.  And to give countries like China and India money.  So far it's working...all the propoganda has been done already. The only problem is that there is no global warming and that people are falling head over heals for the biggest scam in history, started by Al Gore and his band of politicians, wacko junk-scientists, and their ignorant followers.

    So far, the European Union has shipped sixty billion dollars to the country of China, in the form of carbon credits, for absolutely nothing in return.  

    People who believe in and promote the idea of global warming are primitive, psychologically disadvantaged and unbelievably gullible fools.

  2. "An Inconvenient Truth" would be a good model to use.  It appeals to your fear (the most terrifying film you will ever see) while giving the impression that it is based upon "science" or "facts".

    The fear appeal is a propaganda technique.

    Find it here:

  3. Try to send a mail to all your friends and apart of the poster tell that we can all die of heat in the next 15 years or so if we don't start to do something its going to be the end.

  4. Use a picture of a Hurricane.  In Photoshop make it look about 20 - 25% larger that it really is, then show it over New Orleans.

  5. Check out global cooling, cosmic rays, sun spots, Mars warming, it's cold today (snowing or any other thing you can think of for daily weather),  and most other skeptical arguments posted on yahoo answers.  All of this is just propaganda.

    For educational resources look at the Intergovernmental Pannel on Climate Change (IPCC), National Academy of sciences (NAS), NASA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), EPA, and most universities that have a climatology department.   Colorado has one (, University of Oklahoma (, Oregon State University ( and lots of others.

  6. 1.make a candel which represents our universe...then paint it like earth looks thru glaxy..have lots of small people sticks to it..lit the candel up..with wax engulfing some people and some people faling into glaxy..

    write it down: wana reach moon faster?Lets burn This whole planet first....and land in to Water less/airless/tree less etc Moon!!!

    2. Make a desert...shows some people covering themselves into Blanket..Black blanket...

    Write down: Feeling the pinch?..Its our future...2050!

    3. Make factories,Cars,Buses...Polluting River...add all smoke up in the make a giant of black air..engulfing the climate..and this mine..

    4. Make glaxy and put in into Frying Pan

  7. Misinformation and alarmism.

    Ignore that global temperature measurement wasn't possible until 1979 when satellite technology made it possible, and since then, temperatures have fallen.

    Do like National Geographic - take pictures of the deceptively named Iceland at the end of winter and at the end of summer, and act surprised that the summer picture shows no snow.

    Depend on inaccurate computer prediction data which uses improbable scenarios and extreme conclusions to doctor scientific data into scary results (like the UN did when its bureacratic climate control panel) created the profitable concept.

    Ignore more relevant factors like the heat retention of water vapor being much greater than that of carbon dioxide because you can't make people feel guilty about water vapor.

    Ignore the 17,000 scientists who signed the Oregon Petition which states that if GW does exist, man had nothing to do with it.

    Forget that "An Inconveniet Truth" has been banned from UK classrooms by the courts due to it's gross inaccuracies.

    Don't point out that climates were never stable prior to the industrial age.

    Infer that anyone who doesn't buy into global warming is uncaring and selfish.

  8. Start off by saying:

    "Al Gore invented Global Warming to take away our freedoms and make himself rich"

    That assertion seems to have convinced many of the doubters around here.  Propaganda doesn't require any basis in truth. Appealing to inherent political bias seems to be quite effective.

  9. Use Dr Jello! He's good at propaganda.

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