
How do i start enjoying activities by myself?

by  |  earlier

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i live in NYC and i don't really have friends -- so there's a lot of 'by myself' time. I feel SO insecure about it. i feel stupid going to the movies alone...or eating alone...or even walking alone (!) so stupid, in fact, i spend a LOT of time as a hermit in my apartment. i feel really sad about this. how can i get out more by myself and feel comfortable alone in activities???




  1. Perhaps you could consider doing some volunteer work like reading at the library to children for a few hours a week; or to the elderly in a Care Home or Nursing Home. This way you will be with other people & part of a productive  activity which should provide self satisfaction and possibly new friends as well. Hope this gives a little food for thought.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. Dear Emma,

    You enjoy activities by yourself, by doing activities you enjoy.  Things you enjoy doing with others, e.g., movies, dinner, may not be things you enjoy by yourself.

    I have enjoyed ice skating by myself, and I prefer to go shopping by myself.  Also, when out and about, by yourself, you are more likely to have a chance encounter, with another person, out and about by themselves.  The anticipation, of a chance social encounter, with someone in your same situation, can be mood elevating.

    I wish you the best,


  3. You can sit alone in your apt. do you feel comfortable alone there? There's nothing stupid about shopping or eating or doing anything alone. Sometimes I like to do those things alone cuz I have the freedom to go where I want when I want; this can make it much more fun when I don't have to ask someone else what they think.

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