
How do i start homeschooling and were do i get my program from?

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How do i start homeschooling and were do i get my program from?




  1. If you're starting with Kindergarten you don't really need a program.  I suggest to parents to do at least these three things:

    1.  Read to their children at least 30 minutes per day.  It sounds too simple, but children learn vocabulary and interesting facts from reading.  Magic School Bus books are great.

    2.  Answer their questions.  If they don't ask many questions, then help them create a sense of wonder.  Say things like, "I wonder why they designed that building that way?", "I wonder how the birds know to fly south for the winter?", "What happens to the water when it goes down the drain."

    3.  Take them to interesting places.  These don't have to be involved field trips, just simple places that Kindergarteners enjoy like a farm, post office, bank vault, nature walk, etc.

    Drawing is just as valuable as handwriting.  You're helping develop finger control.  Have them title their drawings.

    Vary your math if they don't enjoy workbooks.  Do flashcards, work with an abacus, count M&Ms, work with money and time.  There's so much to learn and so many fun ways to learn besides textbooks.

    I'm working on a book to help parents homeschool their Kindergarteners but it's not quite done yet.  

    Hope this helps.

  2. You need to start by finding out your state's laws:

    From there, you can look at different homeschooling methods and choose a program:

    If you're thinking about high school, a textbook or computer program might work out well:

    Good luck!

  3. Try unschooling, you create your own program :D

  4. If your kids are already in school, you are going to have to un-enrol them.  That takes a bit of a process, but the counselers will (hopefully;) help you through it.  There are different homeschooling programs.  You can do it online or teach your kids yourself.  My mom taught my little brother until i was in 10th, then we both did online schooling for a year.  That was great and easier on my mom.  The school that I did from was: The morningstar academy at

    Their great, but there are a lot of other choices.

    If you teach your kids yourself you will have to make sure you get all the workbooks and things you need, and it is important to keep a record of the days your kids are "at school".  (keeping attendance)

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