
How do i start my own business?

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as a wedding planner i have my diploma but i dont know where to start or does anyone know of a wedding company that hires wedding planners in Ontario Canada




  1. Build up an impressive Rolodex of everything needed for weddings; florists, musicians, caterers, places renting out tables/chairs.  Once that's done, register as a legit business "Event/Wedding planner".  

    Next: place ads in local papers--with available contact phone numbers.  Remember: price things reasonable, but cut yourself in a percentage (after all, you gotta pay legit taxes AND make a living, too).

    Good luck.

  2. Start by creating a dream wedding or two and price evrything make sure you include fees time etc. Start in your home. Break down you dream wedding by peices right down to the brides garter. Know your stuff and advertise. Learn who your competition is and the local caterers and bakers so you can make good recommendations. I am really tired or I could give you stellar advise on this. I have run a few major businesses. Start there. Keep a note book and define your mission statement. Check in to if you need permits or insurances.  My boys nicknamed me that. I have even done catering and wedding coordination. Its not as hard as it seems. Most important find out if there is a call for it in your area. You have to know your demographics.

  3. The best routes to take are to research the process of starting a business as well as the industry you're interested in.

    Associations may be a good avenue to explore. These organizations will address many of the thoughts, questions and concerns you'll inevitably have as well as many you haven't anticipated yet. See the source box for some relevant links.

    Research, research, research – this cannot be stressed enough. Read as much as you can about the industry. Here are some book titles that are relevant:

    * How To Start A Wedding Planning Business by Cho Phillips, Sherrie Wilkolaski

    * Start Your Own Wedding Consultant Business: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Success by Eileen Figure Sandlin

    * FabJob Guide to Become a Wedding Planner by Catherine Goulet

    * How to Start a Home-Based Event Planning Business by Jill Moran

    * Start Your Own Event Planning Business: Your Step by Step Guide to Success by Krista Turner

    I also posted links to some free articles in the source box.

    Hope that helps! I wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!

  4. no, but you might consider doing a few free jobs for friends or people at church to get started and then tell them what they would have paid if you hadcharged them, word of mouth really works. then, advertise in the yellow pages, and at wedding boutiques.

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