
How do i start the process of adopting my niece who is in fostercare?

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didnt even know she existed until 3 weeks ago. I contacted her worker and she's not returning my calls. Do i have any rights as her aunt? should i contact her supervisor? lawyer? i'm in california she's in arizona does that matter?




  1. Get a lawyer, that would be a great first step if you can afford it. If not try as hard as you can to get an answer even if that means going above the case workers head to her boss. They like to keep children with the family as much as possible assuming the family wanting to take them is a fit place for them to be. You will likely have to have a home study done and perhaps some classes etc. Also if the child is not up for adoption there is nothing you can do but ask for the child to be placed in  temporary foster care with you. They have to relinquish both of the parents rights before they child is legally adoptable.

  2. From personal experience, you need to keep calling the workers.  They are SO overburnded that they barely pick up the phone.  Call and call and call again.   Every hour.

    If the worker does not ever pick up, call the supervisor.  Supervisor might not pick up either, but keep calling.

    If you are a suitable adult, you have rights to your niece, no matter where you live.  They try and keep families together, including extended families.

    It is sad, but call every hour if you need to.

  3. if you just learned of her then you have no bond with the child. How old is she? She must be a year old or older anyways as it takes months to gets parental rights terminated and if rights were terminated she is already in the adoption registry and may already be in the process of getting adopted. You could keep inquiring but I think your chances are slim.

  4. You need to have the mother sign papers saying she would like her stay with you. If the worker is not helping go to the next court date for the mother this is what I did. And told the judge I wanted the kids and was not getting help from the worker. The judge ordered the worker to do the home study and turn in a report as to why or why not the children could stay with us. Needless to say we got the children however the workers do not give good assistance. You need to find out all the programs open to once you are the foster parent. They will also do a background check and fingerprint you. They will have you child proof your house then they will call you and have you pick up the child. I have now adopted my children it took 2 1/2 years. If their rights are terminated you should get a lawyer. Try prepaid legal if you just want legal advice without all the lawyer fees. Wish I knew about it for the whole time I was dealing with CPS.


  5. Get an adoption lawyer and find out the name of your niece's guardian at litem - her state appointed attorney.  Relative adoption is supposed to be easier and is usually encouraged.  As far as being in different states, the adoption papers will need to include an interstate compact.  Moving her to your home in another state while still in foster care probably varies from state to state.

    Our daughter was in relative foster care with her aunt and uncle and they found us to adopt her.  We then got our foster license, her birthmother relinquished her to us and the state moved her to our home as a foster child until the birthfather finally relinquished (in the 11th hour).  We did not have to deal with an interstate compact or 2 foster systems - sorry, can't help you there.

    We will celebrate her 8th "Gotcha Day" at the end of this month - she will be 10 in Sept.

  6. Ok the best way to get her is to keep trying to contact her case worker.  If you can't get a hold of her you could talk to her lawyer because the lawyer could talk to the judge.  The thing about being in another state is the fact that it will be a little harder for you to get her.  I never understood why, but I know when I was trying to go live with my aunt she had to do so much and then wait for some one to tell her if she needed to do any thing els.  Well good luck.

    If this helps out usually it will take 6 months to a year to get some one even if it is a family member.  It usually takes that long though after you get the ball rolling.

    Like I said though good luck.


  8. it does matter a little as you would be going for an out of state adoption but since you are immediate family, you have immediate concern rights. Since the case manager has not returned your calls, call the supervisor and get a lawyer involved as well. The rights you have as her aunt are powerful and if you seek to have her placed with you as her aunt, the states will lean heavily in your direction. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE you need to go to the CYFD office nearest to you and register for the next battery of foster parent certification classes they have available, tell the case workers there the situation and they will also help get the ball rolling with phone calls to the childs case worker in A.Z .

    The sooner you start in on this the bettter of the two of you will be. If the child has no interested family members in A.Z, you will be the highest priority considered for placement as her foster parent. Be aware that Arizona may seek for Reunification with her family if they can get thier butts in line with what they need to do, but in the intrest of the childs well being, the court will want her to be with family, regardless. DEFINATELY get a lawyer familiar with CYFD operations working for you.

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