i have a 10 yr old boy and i LOVE him so much,however everytime i tell him to clean up after himself once he actually gets around it, he does SUCH A POOR JOB at it, it doesnt even make a difference.he
walks all over the house wet from the pool and gets hardwood floors & carpets wet. he leaves wet swimshorts on the carpet. i ask him to go back and wipe the water off & he basically wipes off adrop,&
leaves the rest untouched. when "confronted" about it he sais " but i already did!" in his room he leaves everything out, and doesnt even care that his room looks like a "war zone" minutes after i just cleaned and organized.i ask him to pick up his mess and random things that are all over the place,to make his bed. it becomes a tantrum battle or sais "not now, later". if i MAKE HIM stop what he's doing so he can get on with the clean up,he picks up 2-3things & stops.i basically HAVE TO do it,because it either takes too long or not at all.i take things away &ground him, but it doesnt work.