
How do i stop an irs tax levy on my paycheck?

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How do i stop an irs tax levy on my paycheck?




  1. Call the IRS Monday at the number on the collection or levy notice you received. If you agree to pay within 60 days or if you can't do that, enter into a monthly installment agreement, the levy will be immediately released. It will also be released if you can't pay and you meet their hardship criteria.

    You will have to have all required returns filed in order to qualify for an installment agreement, by the way. But if you don't have them all filed you can still get your levy released if a financial statement demonstrates hardship.

    As for an offer-in-compromise mentioned in another post, it's unlikely you would qualify for that if you're able to make monthly payments.

  2. Quit your job?

  3. An OIC will not stop a levy.  An OIC can tat 2 years to be approved and you have to make payments or a lumpsum with the offer.  As stated by someone else you probably don't qualify because you can make payments.  

    The only reason you have a levy is you didn't make other arrangements to pay you back taxes.  If you enter into an installment agreement with them they will stop the levy by you next paycheck.  

    To qualify you must have filed all tax returns you are required to file and you must make estimated payments if you are required.  

    On monday call them or go to your local office for more details.

  4. So you didn't pay IRS, and you ignore all their notices, and now you have your paycheck levied, the only way to stop it is to full pay them.  Or call and offer to pay it on your own, I doubt they will accept you offer but it doesn't hurt trying,

    taking it from your paycheck is a sure thing IRS will receive their money

    Hope you learned a lesson from this:  Don't Ever Ignore IRS

  5. Pursue an Offer in Compromise.  Instead of paying the full amount of tax due (especially if you are nowhere near being able to afford it), you can make an Offer in Compromise, proposing a compromise payment to the IRS instead of the full amount they would gain from the IRS levy.  Along with the promise to pay the compromise amount of tax, you would also promise to pay your taxes on time for a period of years.  If the proposal is well crafted and the guaranteed amount more appealing to the IRS than the amount they expect to gain after using their own resources to get it, the IRS might accept your offer and you might prevent an IRS levy.  Every action, including an IRS levy, carries a certain cost to the IRS.

    Sometimes the tax lien expires without issuance of a notice of IRS levy.  However, the IRS can easily extend the tax lien, which means you could still suffer an IRS levy in the future.  Simply waiting and hoping the problem disappears isn't the best solution to your IRS levy concerns.  

    Call a CPA that should be the first thing you do for now, and he or she will examine your situation and advise you as to the best course of action based on your own circumsatnces.

    Good Luck!

  6. Pay the Levy...thats it!

  7. die?

    (No guarantees)

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