
How do i stop bad things from happening after playing a ouiji board?

by Guest56149  |  earlier

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my friend and i played a ouiji board and we did get results it does work. i talked with my grandmother and everything was going great but then my mom and my brothers girlfriend walked in on us .this morning my mom tells me that my brothers girlfriend is in the hospital because she cant breath well . my mom warned me not to play and so did one of my friends my mom said that she played it when she was a girl and that her friend broke her arm and for a long time the ouiji board was her nightmare . please help me how do i protect myself and my freinds and family from my stupidity and that ouiji board .

p.s we drew it on croncreat with chalk but washed it away and put holy water on it and ourselves,not to menchon i prayed for like an hour afterwards.




  1. well one u can never play it again or u could go to a church of God near by and start going there and ask God to forgive you and get saved and truly mean the prayer that u say and ask Him to keep your friends, family, and whoever else to stay safe and ask Him to put his blood around your family and friends

  2. This is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with the ouija board.

    Hope your brothers girlfriend gets better soon.

  3. The things that happened have nothing to do with the ouija board.  They would have happened whether you used the ouija board or not.  The ouija board is just a game. It plays on your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears. The people using it make it work. It can still be scary because your mind can do powerful things and can make you believe all kinds of things. Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

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