
How do i stop bashing my wife?

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I have a serious problem with domestic abuse. I'm a 23 year old male who has recently got married and sometiems when my newly wedded wife does something wrong i get angry and hit her. It's nothing too serious, just a few punches and that, but I know i shouldn't be doing it from the spousal abuse television ads. What can i do to stop?

Serious responses only!!!




  1. Get immediately into an adult psychiatric unit and tell them you want immediate testing for behavioral and anxiety diso0riders and tell them about your domestic violence and How you want to stop this and save the marriage,.,.,,and ask them to to give you medication to stop the violence and rages and then, attend regular therapy.

    Good for you recognizing you love of your wife and also, the danger you pose for her... tell wife you are doing this four the marriage and because she loves you. She will wait.

    And yes, be ashamed of yourself, but also resolve yourself to conquer you mental illness, fort that its what it is...there are severely deep rooted issues under this all which make you act in a violent way. tell her to stay with her friends for a month until tests and medications are administered to you. You need to get in control fast.

  2. First you did something good by admitting you are a woman beater the next step you need is to see an anger management to control your temper and your actions against your wife, talk more to your anger management counsellor and he/she will be able to bring you out of the violence

    good luck

  3. I actually think this is normal for you. It is because you are actually g*y but cannot admit it. Get some really serious counseling and then go for the male to male relationship that you have been earnestly seeking. Trust me, if you want to walk like a cowboy this is the only way you will be able to do it...  

  4. It is serious!! You need to get to counseling and do it now! Have her stay with parents or friends until you can be in control of yourself!...

  5. uh get help!!!! and your excuse is only a few punches? um hello those hurt!!! and it could lead to more serious things SO GET HELP!!!!

  6. All women can be annoying sometimes, fortunately most men don't hit out, those that do generally get worse as time goes on; but you are already aware of your problem and are halfway to solving this which is a credit to you.

    Try counting to ten, step back & think before you react, just stop!

    Get proper advice with anger management if all else fails, & remember what you have to lose, consider her feelings both physical & emotional.  

  7. dumb it is serious when u hit some one

  8. seek some therapy,know that your problems are from within and not with her.find a male therapist, maybe a minister.everyone does wrong,no relationship is perfect,u may have problems handling them,or knowing how to work through them.

  9. You need help, so go get some. Hitting is not the answer.

  10. Son,

    I'm sure you knew you had this problem before you got married, and obviously stems from within, but you still got married. Mistake 1.

    You've admitted you know that it is domestic abuse, but you fail to admit the level of the seriousness by stating "its not too serious and just a few punches and that."  Mistake 2

    It is serious and you need help if you want to continue staying married.

    Sit her down and tell her you will seek professional help AND DO IT before you end up in jail and with a failed marriage!

  11. get help.. fast.  you will lose her, or destroy her, and yourself.  only a professional can assist in a problem like this!!  a psychologist/psychiatrist - deal with the anger, and the causes for the level of reaction to your anger

  12. Nothing too serious? You could/should be arrested!! You seem to think that what you do is ok by referring to it as just a few punches and that. What does 'and that' refer to? Your poor wife is a victim. You need help, fast, whether you approach a domestic violence counselor or your wife does. You are abusing someones daughter. How would you feel if that was your daughter?

    If I was your wife I would report you to the Police.  

  13. Sweetheart you need anger management and fast, you know that you should not be doing this not from the television ads but from a moral point. What do you mean, when she does something wrong, I always thought that marriage was a partnership, with two people working together, we all make mistakes but that does not give anyone the right to use their fists on us, and it is serious and to her I am sure it does not feel like a few punches, when the one you love does this to you the bottom falls out of your world and you realize the person you married is not who you thought they were at all. I am sure at the moment she is wishing she never married you at all. You have to learn to talk to one another. If you don't get help soon you are going to lose her or worse really harm her. You have taken the first step by acknowledging you have a problem, now you need to go on and do something about it. Good luck, hope things get sorted for you and your wife.

  14. Try taking an anger management class.    I recently saw a movie about men who had your same problem.  They went to a support group. To teach them how to control their temper before it got out of hand.  The important part is that you recognize you have a problem.  And that you are in some way wanting to fix it.  Because as you well must know this could get out of hand.  There may come the day you go to far.  And for the sake of both of you.  I hope your able to find the help you need.

  15. sweetie you have a SERIOUS problem that fact that you think that you hitting her with just a few punches is no big deal is a real problem. you have a MOTHER. and you would not want any MAN putting their hands on you mom so why would you put your hands on the woman that you say you love, you love enough to marry. you need to separate from her and seek some anger management classes. you are going to really hurt her one day and that day will be your last day of FREEDOM. you have issues that you are not dealing with and you take them out on her, but she is not the problem nor is she the solution. YOU are the problem and ONLY YOU have the solution. you dont realize the scars that you have put on your WIFE for life. she will never be the same woman you meet prior to you putting you hands on her. she is now SCARED of you, she dont TRUST you, meaning she dont know if you are in a good mood or a hitting mood. she is now doubting herself as to why she married you, she will now live in isolation from her friends and family because she doesnt want her friends and family to think ill of you nor does she want them to beat your BUTT like you do her. SEEK SOME HELP ASAP. you are to young to be destroy this woman and you life. GodBless

  16. Get away from her before you end up in jail.  you need help

  17. I presume that you will not enjoy so much if someone will give you a few punches and that,so why do that to your wife ??? And please could you tell me what you mean when you say that your wife does something wrong ??? What is that about ??? I`m not here to judge you in any way,knowing that i`m far distant to be perfect in my live,just trust me on that. I have a baby daughter,and if she will be coming to me in the future saying that her partner hit her i will be knocking him down !!! You, what you will be doing ??? Maybe the same ??? I suffer some violence as kid  from my father and i did not enjoyed, for that reason i do not believe in violence. Have you had some similar experience in your past ??? If yes,just think about how use to make you feel,not very nice i believe. Just put your-self in her place and you will realise that to,i hope you already did. CIAO...

  18. First hitting,spitting,grabbing, shoving etc... is called ASSAULT ON A FEMALE.  

    Second it's not your wife doing something, IT'S YOU! Take some responsibility and turn your sorry butt in.  It's not other people doing anything, it's you trying to control and manipulate her.  It's YOU.

    What you can do to stop is get help.  You need specialized counseling, someone who specializes in controlling men such as yourself.  Your nothing too serious comment is tell tale sign you don't want help but want everyone to reply and give you an emotional charge.  What a coward you are pretending you want help... give me a break your full of yourself and don't want help.  

  19. walk away

    walk away

    walk away

    your new wife isn't doing anything "wrong", she's just human.

    i'll bet you are the type of guy who thinks she can't mop the floor properly or thinks she can't do a load of laundry the right way.

    a happy home is better than a clean home.  a happy and contented wife will like "do" more for you if you catch my drift.

    start treating her like a queen.  if you feel the anger building up, walk away, count to 10.  and remember, whatever she is doing "wrong" has nothing to do with her.  you are not perfect, you are a wife abuser.  whatever she is doing wrong is NOTHING compared to what you are doing.

    i hope you are arrested for your actions.

    you can stop this TODAY, if you were not such a perfectionist D-bag.

  20. Well, there are 2 things.. If you have money go to a psychiatrist or even attend a counselling because its really a serious matter.

    If you don't have money to spend something like that try to control your anger. It's not gonna be easy for a man who has a short patience but you have to try. When you get upset STOP and inhale for a while. If you can do that try to count 1-10.  This maybe lame but try it.  Then go for a walk outside or run until you get tired. It is also exercise.  After u perspire and everything take a shower it helps...i had an ex-bf once and i bought him a sandbag, so every time he's angry with me he just go to his room and put all his anger on that poor sandbag.

  21. you may want to try hitting it the right way... in bed.. you sound like a true moron that deserves a hot lead e***a

  22. Whenever you feel like you're about to hit her, do something else instead. Maybe buy a stress relief ball and take it out on that. You can buy them in loads of places, like -

  23. Have her call the police, better yet, bash her then you call the police!

  24. Get help.  

  25. well the first step is knowing what you are doing is wrong now you need to go get help with your anger issues you dont hit on someone you love so please go get help before you hurt her bad or worse

  26. You need to get help, speak to a counselor by yourself and then one as a married couple.  When you get angry at your wife you need to either walk away or count to a number in your head that will allow enough time for you to calm down.  A few punches is serious, anytime a guy puts his hands on his wife makes him the weak one.  Get help ASAP.  Best of luck!!

  27. are you f ing kidding me. only a few punches nothing serious? are you completely in the dark ages or what. hitting your wife at all is against the law and you *** should be in jail for it. GET SOME HELP before your dumb *** ends up in jail where you belong.It is NEVER ok to hit a female. It just shows your too chicken to pick on someone your own size.

  28. Not good, and you are young to do that, what you need to do is seek help fast before you can have a hospital case, or try and let her stay somewhere else until you are back in control because without knowing you could kill your wife and be in serious trouble, don't lose temper and hit a woman even if you say only a few punches, they really hurt and could result in blood clots and death.  So get a therapist to help you through and do it ASAP.

  29. Hopefully you will go to jail and have your own boyfriend beat the c**p out of you.  

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