
How do i stop being critical of people around me?

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How do i stop being critical of people around me?




  1. Think hard about what they could be going through. You most likely do not know everything about everybody and it's very possible that someone has something very difficult going on in their life right now. Also remind yourself that no one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes, even you. Try not to compare people to yourself, your friends, or that clown you saw at the fair because everybody's life is different so everybody is different.

  2. most of the time, people who tend to criticize others are those who are harsh with criticism on them selves.

    once you cut your self a slack, you will know how to cut people one too.

    awareness is the key, and you're already there. good luck ;)

  3. I like the first person's answer, but I want to add that if you find yourself being critical of someone, try to find things about that person you like or that impress you and focus on them.

    Another way is to just think about something else entirely. So instead of thinking your classmate or co-worker is so stupid, focus on the class or work topic instead, or even on what you're going to do later that day, or just clear your brain.

  4. Place yourself in their situation and think how you would react to the situation. How do you differ? and are either you or them right? Probably not because we all make decisions that someone will always disagree with - this is part of life.

    God Bless

  5. Ask yourself what criticisms you are making and what you get out of the deal.

    If you are always harping on people's inability to be more loving towards others, check yourself first. How loving are you towards others, even strangers, on a daily basis? Do you drive down the highway with peers, neighbors, friends, and family all around you? Or do you drive down the highway with a bunch of annoying jerks who get in your way?  

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