
How do i stop being nervous?

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ok, nervous is normal human reaction. but i just wanna know how i can control it. cos it just seems to obvious whenever i really am nervous. during interview, i'd get tongue tied. and when i speak to new people, i's speak so slowly to make sure i dont say the wrong things. but anyways, how do i overcome this?




  1. um i would say use a pill that calms you down, there is a specific name for it, for example: Bupleurum Calm Compound has been called "relaxed wonderer", my best bet would be "PureCalm", it helps with the nervous system

  2. take a chill pill

    smoke some tobacco like subtenants

    or try to change your outlook to being more like i dont give a hoot what anyone thinks about me. if they dont like you to bad for them its their loss just move on

  3. I can answer this one. I have had anxiety for alot of my life. I finally kicked the people out of my life who caused me to doubt myself, seek perfectionism, made me feel flawed, and claimed to love me deeply while trying to change me into someone that they thought was acceptable. Once I left my family, I realized that I was still the same person. I started to 're-parent' myself. This involves training your brain to respond differently and to think differently and to teach myself to calm down and be able to control my reactions to things.

    From what I have learned through psychology courses, self help tapes, research, talking to others, and through my own personal journey, I have found ways to control your responses and reactions to things.

    For nervousness I would first find the root of it... in this case it seems that when you want others to have a good impression, that you want to be someone that they think fondly of. If I am correct on this, than that would be the root of the nervousness. (if I am wrong, you will have to look deep, past all of  your judgements of right and wrong and even face your 'dark side' without judgement to find this part of you with the answers).

    Once you find the root of the problem, you can train yourself to think differently. Thoughts are very fast and breaking them down takes alot of anazlying. When you go to an interview what do you say to yourself? You NEED to look good. You hope they like you. You hope you don't have food in your teeth. You want to say the right thing. You feel put on the spot and not having time to think about your answers. Your energy doesn't match with the person asking you questions. The room color, smell, or furniture arrangement makes you uncomfortable. You probably have a hundred thoughts that have a negative slant in split second. Once you assess these thought and the feelings that they trigger (or that trigger the thoughts), you can change them.

    When you have a down or negative thought or feeling, say in your head 'ERASE! What I meant is....' I think this will go well. I am well spoken. I feel excited. I feel hopeful. I want it to go well and I trust myself to pull it off.

    Letting go is another thing. Nervousness often is from wanting a certain outcome. By trying to impress, you are really trying to control the situation (which will come out as you analyze things as mentioned above). Once you let go and decide that the Universe/God/Life, or whatever you believe, has a way for you to make money and that this interview is either: a means to get this job, or a way to polish your interview skills for another job. Once you let go of wanting a certain outcome and wanting to control the situation with perfect answers, looking just right, etc... you will relax. When you are calm and peaceful, you are in a state where you can more readily control your reactions, and think before you speak, and to make yourself (not them) proud of how the interview went.  

  4. I get this too - i'm so bad at meeting new people. You need to be more confident, When speaking to new people, speak clearly and smile! To start conversations going, start with simple things like the weather, or recent stories in the paper, like the olympics or something.  

  5. just do a lot of things that are outside of your comfort zone. I was really shy and quiet last year, but now people are asking me how i'm so loud and outgoing. I tried out for the jazz band and played a ton of solos the whole year (mostly in front of the whole school *950 people*) i also did a middle school debate team we had. I had to speak up and say what i thought so that i could win and i did best from our team even though everyone said the judge wouldn't be able to hear me, i was never asked to speak louder. A youth conference i went to this summer also helped bcuz i had to meet new people on my own or be alone for 3 days. Just try everything like this that becomes available to you. If you feel extremely uncomfortable doing something (but not because you feel in danger) then it is a great thing for you to try and you just have to stick with it! Now i'm a freshman in highschool and i'm ready to have a great time!

  6. i used to have stage fright really bad and that's bad for a singer, it helps to pratice it over time you get better and over come your fear. another tip is to take deep breaths before you go and do the interview or anything.

  7. Practice makes perfect :D practice possible interview questions with friends or family beforehand to try and be prepared, as people are less nervous when they're prepared, and when meeting someone, do it with friends and in a social situation as you'll be less nervous with friends in a situation where you feel comfortable :)

  8. yeah thats a tough one!its a common problem and i do symphathize with you.many go through these feelingssometimes people in long term relationships get nervous around each other!

    firts aof all try not to worry that will make it worse and then it becomes a viscious cycle,know that it is very common.

    you sound like a sensitive person ,very aware of other peoples feelings and you need to get assertive and start thinking of yourself and how you feel a bit more,instead of feeling like a doormat or victim.

    in a job situation ,just do your homework ,think about what you are going to say and think about what they might say and research some good answers in advan,if they are good and you believ in them ,you wont have anything to feel a lack of confidence from and you can say it with conviction.

    same goes for dates.also make yourself presentable that will increase your confidence.

    take some deep breaths too ,that could help too!just take some deep breaths in .about 20 or 30 until u can feel it pulling on your stomach ,after taking these breaths in and out you should feel more relaxed.

    also its probably a lack of confidence from you ,thinking people dont care.if they dont care,why should you?

    try also visualising what you want ,what your goals are and do some research on how to acheive that.

    most of the time anxieties come from  distortions of reality,the chances of something bad happening are over estimated.try not to worry about failure,it happens and we learn from it and hopefully learning makes us grow and makes us stronger.

    there is a program called holosyne for really bad anxiety or medication,if you wnat to go down that route,depending on how bad it is.

    i would just say to yourself whats the worst that could happen?no one died!dont worry about what people think of u,worry about what you think of them and also a little nervousness is good ,it shows a bit of excitement and adrenalin and alos that you sound a very caring ,good person and anyone who doesnt like you,well it really is their problem  

  9. you can practice with your friends on the interview part but the talking to people you can try talking more like go out with a really nice guy you like and talking in class if your in school but if you go on the date just a tip don't talk too much it could ruin the date

  10. just practice.

    practice makes perfect.

    I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true.

    Also some public speaking classes will help too

  11. close your eyes count 1 to 10 slowly

    take breath slowly 3 times

    u will b ok!

  12. yes

  13. Well Im a singer and I over came my stage fright.. by just breathing! So simple but actually works so well. Just before you go into an interview, take a big breath in through your mouth and out of your nose. Also, practise always makes perfect. So before your interview, practice what you are going to say and the answers to possible questions that you may think they would ask you - in the mirror. Yes, it may sound silly. But helps a lot!

    I hope this helps! Harley x

  14. Try to think about the worse situation you've been in and realized that you got through it and  this should be nothing compare to what you been through. You will also look back and will not believe that you were nervous for these little incidents, they will all seem so minuscule in the journey that you will embark.

  15. Start Drinking

  16. thats natural :) you should take a hankie with lavendar flavour on it, it works wonders.

    deep breathing before hand.

    and being yourself, dont try and be somebody different.

    interviewers always know people are nervous, and the dont want to see it, so if you go in a nervous wreck they wont appreciate it really.

    also, try KALMS.

    google it to find where you can buy it :) its amazing

    i have an anxiety disorder and i take these when im really bad, they work!

  17. you can overcome that by thinking what are you going to say first and then you say it or another way when your nervous you can say inside of you ok everything it going to be find just calm down.

    that happened to me altos of times and that's why I'm telling you this so u don't get nervous anymore.

  18. you just have to have more and more experience with interviews and with talking to people .

    And when talking to new people just loosen up , dont worry about saying wrong things, just be yourself because if you are not  they will like you for someone you are not  

  19. i got over my nervousness when talking to girls simply by just doing it sooo much. On purpose!  I did it alot, just went up to random chick and started talking to them, until it lost its. . how do i put this. . .nervousabliaty i guess you would say.   Intimadation, thats it. Now its like second nature to me!

  20. See a therapist or shrink they will help you or give you meds to help.

  21. Ok honey do this as I say Ive lived along time and when ever I get nervous I stop and take a deep breath and say what can happen they cant eat me and you will be fine sounds corney I know but it works just take a deep breath and relax you will be fine.

  22. use a stress ball. a lot of people i know do that. it really seems to help them. and you don't always have to make eye contact with the person you are talking too. sometimes it becomes awkward and intimidating to stare into someones eyes so just look to the left or right of their face. i do that a lot when im talking to teachers, parents, or some important person a lot. oh and do NOT bite your nails. that just makes everyone feel awkward and you look really stupid doing it. trust me i would know because i do it all the time... ahahha. hope i helped :)

  23. are you stressed about anything??. . .coz that really wouldnt help!! If you r then write everything down on a piece of paper before you go to sleep. and also just try 2 relax, take a deep breath and stay in control. and just remember no 1 is going to judge you even if the wrong things do blurt out!! hope my advice helps - GOOD LUCK x*x  

  24. Sometimes I can get nervous as well ...actually I had an interview for a promotion at my job just recently and the first thing the interveiwer asked me was " are you nervous " , I wasn't nervous until she asked me that.. I started to think " woman you have to have guts of a supernatural terrestrial to just come clean out and ask me something like that " ...but , I stood strong and asked her back .." should I be " ? ...and we laughed about it .. but I had it made up in my mind that I am going to expect just as much the best out of her as she would in me, and carrying myself in that manner I knew from then on it was just a matter of one person having respect for the other in a mutual form .... we talked as if we were best of friends and I got what I came for ( my promotion ) and she got what she was there for ( a new candidate ) ...  so I would say , just have high expectations of other people just as you might think they have of you... a lot of times they are just as nervous , if not more.....  

  25. Step 1: Remember to Breathe.

    Step 2: If you practice on a lot of people that you don't know I found out that you won't be afraid of the unknown person and you might end up preferring a person like that as opposed to someone you know.

    Step 3: Pretend to be another person. That's always helps...your alter ego is always known to be capable of doing things you can't.

    Step 4: Even if you don't want the opportunity, go on interviews or other gatherings as much as you have time, and that will serve as your practice. After you perfect those, you'll be guaranteed to get the real opportunities right (minus the nervousness).

    Step 5: Everyone gets nervous. EVERYONE! It's how you turn that reaction in to productivity that matters. So go out there and make it work!

  26. It sounds to me like you have anxiety problems.I have this same problem.You should see a doctor about this for either or both meds and counseling.

  27. Marijuana.  

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