
How do i stop eating...?

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I have given up smoking 3 months ago. I am finding myself eating more as people do. I really want to get back in control of this and get back to my usual diet but finding it really hard to eat a healthy diet again. I have only put on 4 pound in 3 months since quitting which is the average but im really scared that i will put on more, please help




  1. Hi there, get yourself organised and you will find your eating settling down.  You have only recently changed a major part of your life which is a great result!

    Aim to drink at least 2 ltrs of water per day, this will fill you up and surpress your appetite.  It will also flush out toxins and help in so many other ways.

    Perhaps you also have a mouth fixation as well.  Smokers often get used to having something in their mouths, so that when they stop, they substitute the cigarettes for food.

  2. dont worry your body is just getting back its nutrition its at a cleaning process its ok to put on a little weight but if your really worried all i can say is take the will power you used to stop smoking and use it to stop eating so much.

  3. when you go shopping make out a shopping list, to stop buying bad foods and unwanted fatty foods. also if you need it write out a daily food diary; what am i going to eat today, and try to stick with it for a while and most importantly don'tt skip meals. if you do you tend to snack more during the day and this leads to a lot more weight gain in the long run.

  4. the best way to beat your cravings after quitting smoking is to exercise...if you can do jumping jacks, run, pushups, whatever everytime  you get a craving it will help distract you...if you can't do that everytime, try drinking a glass of water, wait about 20 minutes, if you still want to eat, snack on something healthy like carrots or something if you want something sweet, try strawberries or helped me a lot, i still gained a little weight, but all the healthy eating and exercise i did to combat it actually helped me lose it eventually! good luck!!!!

  5. Try to find some things to keep your mind off your cravings.

    Clean, dance, walk, go on the internet, watch tv, play video games, go to the gym, shopping.. anything you like to do that will keep you busy. Whenever i need to do sometimes to keep my mind off of food, i go for a walk, and im even burning calories while doing so! You can have a piece of chocolate here and there. Also keep a food journal so you remember everything you ate. Drink water throughout the day so you feel full more. Good job on quitting smoking and i hope i helped :)

  6. drink more water than consuming food. The more water you drink, the fuller you feel, making it easier to eat less. Also, exercise at least 30-60 minutes, 3 times a day. Not only does it help burn calories, it can help subside your feeding frenzies and help lower your appetite.

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