
How do i stop excessive underarm perspiration?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know why i tend to sweat alot! i don't know what to do to get rid of it! i feel all uncomfortable, && i need like home remedies or like that botox stuff, any suggestions??




  1. Well there is a lot of logical explanations for that fact, the most simple, is that if your body has increased body fat that will contribute mainly to sweating that´s the most easy explanation.

    But there are other things that may cause sweating and that is due to our genetics and psychology, sometimes sweating is something that your body produces without any metaphysic reason and it doesn't´t have to do with nothing in specific, but it can happen other times due to how we deal with life and how we are as persons if you are more apprehensive, nervous and uncomfortable your brain produces more sweating.

    I have hyperhydrosis... but... it is on my hands where I sweat. It is to the point where, when at church, I have to keep my hand on my pant-leg so when shaking someones hand, my hand is dry. It is really embarassing shaking someone's hand with a wet hand... but just as 'wierd' is when someone holds thier hand out to you, you wipe down your hand.

    I have looked into the surgery, but... the side-effects can be terrible.

    So........I am looking for natural remedy for this..............and recommending you the same ............

    Good Luck.

  2. "Certain Dri" is made to close up the sweat pores under the arms,

    It works if used according to the directions

    Be careful though you will sweat in other areas

  3. Keep youor underarms clean shaven and use a good anti perspirant.

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