
How do i stop feeling worthless?

by  |  earlier

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i feel so worthless and usless, i know the key to this is to look at what you have to offer to the world, some sort of spiritual exchange i guess but the problem i face is that i constantly give myself out to everyone else and havee no time for me. JUST TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF AND YOU'LL FEEL BETTER i hear you say but what if i cant fit that time into my life and if a can there is no resouirce i can use to make time for myself a usfull, or healing , or even calming perpose. please help for i fear i'm running out of time




  1. You will stop feeling worthless by thinking you are worthily.

    hey! cheer up!! its not the end of the world.GO for something which you think you will enjoy ...OK

  2. u R worthless and useless.  so am i.  find a different question maybe?  (i don't know....)

  3. I'd like to hear the answer to this question as well, because i feel the same, i think i suffer from depression as ive felt like this for just over 3 years and suicidal thoughts become a very big part of it.

    The best way i've found of dealing with it, is i have someone who means more than anything to me, and i could never hurt her no matter what, so that keeps me from taking my life, i don't always feel great but she stops me from doing anything rash.

    Before you say anything, she isn't my girlfriend I'm 16 and never had one, we've talked about it a few times but she always ends up rejecting me and saying were better off as friends. (That's hard to cope with to)

    So mate just hold on, find something or someone that's worth living for and hold onto it. Hopefully it will all get better one day.

    if you need someone to talk to contact me through this email or preferably at - i check that at least 5 times a week normally more

  4. Do some thing good  

  5. First of all you are NOT worthless. My advice would be to talk(pray) to Jesus. He didnt think you were worthless when He died for you. Maybe you are feeling depression. Try reading these:Psalms 32:3-5 , Psalms3:1-6 and Phillipians 4:8.  

  6. People feel useless when they haven’t accomplished enough.  Find something you can finish - and do it.  Pick tasks with absolute completion; in other words, not video games.  Video games always make you feel like you’ve left something unfinished.  

  7. Love yourself. This is the time to let your pride rule. That you are not worthless. Nobody is anyway. Time will not wait for you, nor should you wait for time. Find time for yourself. Think of the achievements you made, the people you made happy. Take up a hobby which you have been wanting to do.

    You have touched other people's lives, though you may not know. You deserve good things ad much much more. So cheer up! If you've been wanting to go to a vacation, do so. Pamper yourself. You'll feel better eventually.  

  8. Hi Rockaxe,

    Answer the following questions with a yes or no:

    1.If you are in school, do you do well in your studies?

    2.If you are not in school do you have a job?

    3.Do you keep your self up to date with the world and current affairs?

    4.Do you keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to better    your life?

    5.Do you have your priorities in order and have set goals for yourself to achieve, and are u working towards achieving them?

    6.Do you have an idea of where you like to be 5-10 years from now?

    7.Do you make sure that your actions don't bring sorrow and pain to others?

    If you answered 'no' to any question above then thats an area you should work on.

    If you take it seriously and get these areas of your life in order you will stop feeling worthless.

    As far as giving yourself to others, thats a good thing, as long as you like doing it, but if you don't like it, stop it, no one will judge you.

    And make time for yourself, its not hard, you will find time if you look for it.

    Take up meditation, working out, reading, playing an instrument anything that catches your fancy.

    These wont take more than an hour of your time per day, but it will make you feel refreshed and full of life.

    Best of luck.

  9. I have always found that volunteering gave me a sense of purpose. When you see people that truly need what you have to offer and you are doing something to help others, it feels good. Also, and I know this sounds stupid, keep a journal each day of a few things you are gateful for. It helps you to see the positive things that each day has brought rather than just the negative.

    Good luck.

  10. hmmm... why do you feel that anyway? cuz you know you might feel worthless because your depressed or some other reason.. you just have to realize things and not take things seriously.. if somethings bothering you try to talk to someone whom you trust.

  11. by reading this book.

    How to remain ever happy: by Er. M.K. Mehta published by pustak bhandar, available at all leading book stores.

    Good luck

  12. stop fussing around people who are ungreatful to you

    get a hobby and do that

    let people make time for you, not always the other way round

    if you wanna talk, my email is on my yahoo homepage

  13. You ask for advice and then say don't tell you to take time for yourself because you do not have time.  I find that impossible?  Usually, when people neglect their own lives to help others they are just avoiding themselves because they do not want to face themselves.  My logic is you cannot love others until you love and care for yourself, so all that helping of others that you think you are doing  could be just avoidance.  Eventually, you are going to have to face yourself so try doing it now.  Take 1 issue about yourself and work on it either with a therapist or by writing about it.  Cry, feel the anger, dislike those who you think put you in that position and then work through forgiveness of self and others.  Good Luck! Obviously you ask this question because you are ready.  

  14. Hey dude,

             It looks like you are suffering with Inferiority Complex. Why do you think you are worthless and doesnt mean to anyone? Remember every person has importance in one or the other deeds in the world. May be the work what you can do cannot be done by anyone then the world comes to you and asks you to do that for the rest of the world. But till that time you have to keep on working and dont expect anything in return. Because service should be done without any expectations in return.

    Coming to spending time for yourself.... Try to hangout with friends or try to do those things which gives you more happiness or comfort or relaxation something like listening to songs or some outdoor activities like Gardening, Playing etc., this might reduce some what of your inferiority complex for sure... so why are you waiting..Just rock down the world with new kind of angle from you...Show the world that you are different...

  15. Do something for someone else without expecting anything in return

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