
How do i stop loose adult tooth from falling out?,What should i do with my hair? and my eyesight!!??

by  |  earlier

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about three of my teeth are loose and i dunno what to do about it,should i go to the doctors(i dont really wanna cause i JUST DONT!!! )or give me some tips AGGGGGGGHHHHHHH I NEED HELP!!!!! THE MOST THOROUGH ANSWER SHALL get 10 big hugs and 10 big points!!!,i think or 5 dunno.PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, my hair always gets knotty in school,what should i do with my hair and what style??? i dunno what to do!! and also what hairstyle should i do?? i normally do ponytail by the side but thats getting boring i want imple easy ideas ok???

I have glasses and i think my eyesight has been getting a tiny bit worse,what should i do>?????




  1. okay first thing... i don't know about the tooth thing probably call your dentist.  

    Now the hair thing mine gets tangled a lot and Mane n tail really helps with it.  (you get it at a beauty supply store)  Also you could mix up the ponytail with a headband or do a messy bun.... I love messy buns they are really cute but take like 30 sec.  Do a pony tail then twirl the hair around making sure to cover the elastic and then secure in place with a few bobby-pins let some hair poke out in places and it your good to go!  

    Now, the glasses thing... if  you are also getting headaches then it is probably time to upgrade your prescription so head to the eye doctor asap.

  2. My God how old are you? Your teeth should not be loose at any age! Go see your dentist before they all fall out! Have your hair cut into a nice short manageable style. And see an optician. There - all your problems solved quickly and concisely. Points please! (Don't worry about the hugs, I don't know where you've been...........)

  3. Go to the dentist. You need to stop drinking sodas. You must brush your teeth properly and floss. If your teeth are in such a bad state only a complete change of attitude and professional help is going to save your mouth.

    Hair is easy. Brush it morning and night, keep it clean and use conditioner.

    Go to the optician and get your eyes tested. Your eyes change as you get older so adjustments will be needed as the years go by.

  4. super glue your teeth to your mouth.

    Then shave your hair

       Get better classes { clark Kent}

  5. teeth-tooth brush and toothpaste and dental floss

    hair-head and shoulders shampoo eyes

  6. Your Teeth: Seriously you'll need to see your dentist or a doctor. The most common cause for loose teeth among adults is Gum Disease. You should see them asap to get treatment to prevent any further problems to your teeth and underlying gums

    As for your hair see site below

    Lastly with your eyes you might need a higher strengthened need to go to the optitions or wait for your next check up.

  7. Loose teeth could be a vitamin C deficiency or a vitamin A deficiency. (BE CAREFUL DON'T TAKE TOO MUCH VIT. A THOUGH!) Start getting lots of beta carotene; your body can turn that into vit. A and it's totally safe. It's in carrots and lots of different vegetables (google it). Vitamin A is very good for weak eyesight.

    Oh, also teeth clenching/grinding can cause loose teeth (and you can do it in your sleep and not even know it!). In that case you'd need to go to your dentist and have a night guard made.

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