
How do i stop my 2yr old STB colt from hanging in/lugging. have tried a lot of things, still need help.?

by  |  earlier

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i currently have a leather lugging bit and pole on him, he mostly does this at home. he's not too bad at the track. i'd just like him to be more controlable at home. some days he hangs that bad he floggs his knee boot right off. othere days, he's alright. i have had his teeth done.




  1. Butterfly bit,use with a nose band for extra control.

  2. Have you ever tried the Haughton bit? Has worked for me in times past.

  3. Perhaps, just perhaps, he may be a little off (sore) on one side. Just enough, as not to, effect him at the walk, but enough for him to favor it while working.  Check him closely.

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