
How do i stop my 3 yeard old daughter from putting things in her nose, ears and mouth that dont belong there?

by  |  earlier

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Ok heres the situation my wife and i have a 3 girls 4yrs, 3yrs and 7 months. My 3 year old is constantly putting things in her nose, ears & mouth for examle small toys or food etc... We have taken her to the emergency room on several occasions to get things pulled out. Since then we have tried reasoning with her untill were blue in the face i have tried spanking. nothings seems to work, I took all of my 2 older girls toys away that are small enough to go into a body part but she still seems to find something to put into one of those places.My wife and i are at are wits end with this, our 4 year old has never done anything like this. What else can my wife and i do to break her of this habit? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!




  1. It's normal for children to do this.  My oldest daughter got a button stuck in her nose, my middle daughter got a crayon stuck in her ear.  My youngest has only swallowed things, she's swallowed a penny and a marble.  You can't reason with a 3 year old.  They're not adults they are children and think like children not like adults.  Why are you hitting this poor child for doing something that is part of being a child?  All I can advise is that you actually supervise this child more because apparently you're not doing so now.

  2. remove all objects small enough to fit into her orifices, tell her not to put things into the orifices, and then ignore the behavior.

  3. Well um you should talk to the doc abiut that maybe something is wrong but still ...

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