
How do i stop my boats carburetor from dripping gas?

by  |  earlier

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i noticed i was smelling oil in my gas and my oil looked milky..finally i noticed that when i ran it for a few minutes then shut it down and looked down the carb it has one slow drip of gas that drops every 4 or 5 seconds with the engine off..any suggestions on how to fix this problem, or do i just need to get a new carb?




  1. your carb or carbs have to be re-built  you may need a new float or the needle and seat need,s to be re-placed

    thats all you have to do

  2. Milky looking oil often indicates water in the oil. This may be a bigger problem than the one with your carburetor.

  3. Milky oil us A water problem. This problem should be taken care of or you wont have to worry about the carb as the engine will quit.      The shut off jet in your carb is not sealing when the float is up. Try A new jet before you spend lots of money on new carb /parts.

  4. Sounds more like you blew your motor! Milky oil means a broken head-gasket. Do a compression check on it to see if you have a dead cylinder. Anything below 120-140psi means you either have a weak  cyclinder, or it broke through the side and you have no copmpression.

    As to the carb; New carb won't do anything different. Replace all gaskets and tighten everything down. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to replace all your lines. In general, fuel lines are bullet proof, so if you're having issues, it means it's time to change a few parts (unless the fittings are loose of course).  

    ***just FYI, if gas drips down into the oil, it will NOT turn it milky (they are both petroleum and will mix), only water will do that, which is exactly why I believe your motor is toast. Your best bet is to try the compression check and find out what's up with your motor. If compression is ok, you might have some major seal issues elsewhere in the motor that need some attention.

  5. Sounds like you have a loose fitting or a bad o-ring, or maybe a bad gasket. You also could have a crack in the housing, what ever you find, have it fixed right away, leaking gas is a very bad thing. You could have a fire or an explosion and I don't think you want that. I would also look for an oil leak, if your oil is milky colored. Be safe, not sorry.

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