
How do i stop my brothers acting like my Dads?

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My mum died when i was 9 and I'm now 14. I have 4 older brothers and a step dad. My oldest bro is 26 and the youngest 16.

Alec the oldest and Mike second oldest don't live at home anymore but the other two do.

They are always controlling me and trying to be like my dads. It drives me crazy!

Mike and Alec are aloud to ground me and such. And Craig who's 18 can send me to my room etc. I hate them being so protective and its h**l with any Bf as i get the whole "Ur too young, and should date and the poor guy gets the "dont u dare go near my sister".

I don't know how to make them stop as when i tell them how i fell they simply tell me not to be cheeky.

I'm not very good at not saying what i think and it gets me in trouble. None of them would ever hurt me even if sometimes they do smack me. And i know they love me but how do i make them stop acting like this and why do they do it?!




  1. You're only 14, you shouldn't even have a boyfriend yet and they are looking out for you.  Let them do this for you since you don't have your mum around for guidance.  Although I don't agree your brothers should be totally responsible like you indicate they are (by being able to "ground" you), that is a parents responsibility.

    Good luck & be a kid before you grow up!

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