
How do i stop my cat from biting through thin wires????

by  |  earlier

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He bit through 2 of my Xbox headsets

and a charger adapter for my router

in all cases the wires were thin, thinner than a tv wire to be exact by say 5 times...

so what do i do in order to stop this from happening again, cuz i am ready to beat the living c**p out of it, plz help, whatever ideas you have i will try




  1. You could try rubbing the cable with some lotion or a scent that keeps the cat away. There are some in pet stores.

  2. Why don't you keep the headsets out of it's reach?

    If it's a kitten, it will probably grow out of it..

  3. Rub hot sauce on the wires lol

  4. well the best thing is to put the controllers/ headsets away after use in a drawer or something...even a box with a lid by the tv.  The back wire ca be painted with tabasco sauce.  DON'T paint tabasco sauce on wire you will be touching a could rub it into your eyes, or even worse go to the bathroom and have a burning togger all day!

  5. Really the thing that you can do is get some cat repellents sprays at petsmart and petco they work wonders since i also had this problem with the two cats i own and another thing that i learned was to put them away because they are attracted to thin wire  

  6. smack him. not super hard, but like a "no-no" smack, as you would disipline a child.

  7. try putting the nail stuff on called NO leaves a nasty taste in the mouth...

  8. You could try putting up your toys when you are done playing with them.

  9. I have tried and heard of several things: loosely wrap aluminum foil over the wires, as kitty bites he will get a funny feeling in his mouth OR

    buy a product called Bitter Apple from a pet store, and apply to the area he is biting, the taste is awful, they often use it to stop horses from chewing on there wooden stall boards, and lastly, I have been told you can wipe on some hot sauce on the wires to keep kitty away.

    Good luck

  10. Do not beat and/or kill him.  Try playing with it more often - sometimes they do bad things because they want your attention.  

    My kitten is sick right now and after I give him his medicine, he freaks out and bites wires, carpet, etc.  I just started spraying him with a water bottle because I know he hates getting wet.  Is it the BEST thing to do, no.  But, it's humane and it works.  Try it.

    Other than that - you can try using the bitter stuff so he backs off.

  11. kill the little b*****d

  12. go the the pet store like petco and buy Bitter is a spray that you put on objects and things to repel animals. My one cat  bit our digital camera charger and my boots and computer wires and we used bitter apple and it is repelling and she stopped

  13. um... put your xbox away where he can't get to it when you are not around.... you could also try a spray bottle... every time my cats do something bad i squirt them! they can't stand it! and don't beat your cat, that's animal cruelty and you could go to jail for that! kitty just wants to play! get him some new toys....

  14. Um, get some toys for your poor kitten! He wants to play. Please do not physically harm your kitten. Cats do not respond to being physically hit in any way. They will only grow to resent you. Either put your wires out of reach when you are done with them, or do as the above poster suggested and buy a repellent such as Bitter Apple at a pet store.

  15. A couple easy things you can do:

    You can put it out of the cat's reach while you're not using it (inside a cabinet is your best bet).

    If the cat gnaws on it while you're using it or while you're around, you can give him a swift but gentle flick on the head with a sharp word. Your aim is to startle him.

    You can spray a cat repellent onto it. Some scents cats really hate, and they won't chew on something that has the stuff on it.

  16. Let it bite thru a dummy live wire and get electrocuted.  That will stop it permanently.

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