
How do i stop my cat from doing this??? Please HELP!!!?

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My Baby kitten he is 4 months old and when ever someone leaves or enters the front door he meows and wont stop till you either put him in a room or spray him with water. Why is he doing this AND how can i make him stop.

BTW: he was born outside and he stars out of window and watches the pidgons




  1. When someone enters I would be holding him, so he can stay calm.

    When you leave I would give a treat or toy to try and distract him.

    Be strong and don't let him out. He is young enough to still make him a house cat.

  2. Well, first of all, that is what 4 month old kittens do best. You can put him in a room but I think spraying him with water is a little excessive.

    You are right in suspecting that he misses being outside. He will grow out of the crying. You may want to put a harness on him and train him to walk on a leash. That way he could go outside supervised.

    Best wishes.

  3. please dont spray him with water for doing what a cat does and that is meow...

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