
How do i stop my cats from clawing the sofa?

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i have two cats one uses the scratching post quite often while the other cat uses the closest sofa. what am i to do to stop this??




  1. Another option aside from double sided tape (which is a great idea but may not work for every cat) is to attach aluminum foil to areas she likes to scratch. Catnip and/or honysuckle spray can help to make the scratching post more appealing. I also find that cats like a bigger (taller) scratching post than most people expect. I can give mine a 6ft carpeted post and they would climb half way up and hang on while scratching it!

    Please do not declaw your cat as it can lead to many other (sometimes worse) problems. If you are at your wits end, looking into softclaws might be a good option, they are nail caps that you put on her nails which makes it impossible for her to puncture anything with her nails.  

  2. put double sided tape on the parts being scratched works great

  3. De claw the cat

    Believe it or Not

    Willie Tattle???

  4. buy there own scratching post one for one one for the other see dont people know cats never like to share also if that dosent work out make the couch scary to your cat as if when it scratches it make a loud noice or put bubble wrap on it so it pops when it scratches

  5. wide clear tape all around the great...

  6. go to the pet store purchase a scratch  pad for cats and put it right by or next to the couch

  7. They have a spray you can purchase at the pet store that you can spray on your sofa to get them to stop.  Also you can try this I did and it worked.  Purchase one of those carpet pieces (About $3.00) and put it near where your cat is scratching, add some catnip to the carpet and they will start scratching on that instead.  

  8. first id try spraying the couch with citris (or orange or lemon) fabric freshener because cats dont like citriis smells. and everytime they do it or even look like there about to, piont a fingure stifly at them and say NO. in a firm voice.take there paws and place them on a cat scratcher tower thingy. if they are young its easier.

    GL ;D

  9. I second the clear tape thing. Works wonders! Also try Feliway spray. That calms them down.  

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