
How do i stop my dog from moulting everywhere?

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I have a 1 year old Jack Russel and she is lovely, the only problem is she sheds hair everywhere all the time! This is not seasonal, we have to hoover the house 3 or 4 times a day and its getting a joke. Its hard to belive just how much hair she has lost over the week, nearly filled up the hoover, this cannot be right???




  1. I got a Furminator for my grannies dog which worked wonders.  It brushes out all the moulting and dead hairs.  You would not believe how much hair comes out.  They are a wee bit costly but fantasic and have saved my grannies sofas!!

    I got it at Mutley & Mog.  Here is the link:

  2. There is an attachment which has a UK Patent that is easily fitted to any vacuum cleaner. It will remove hairs ingrained in carpets without loss of suction.The price is very reasonable and realy dose a perfect job in removing those unsightly hairs. Available from '

    Hope this helps,bet of luck. ALS

  3. Brush her outside to remove some of the dead hair, that is what is coming out.

    x*x good luck!! xx

    Do not bathe her often, it takes out essential minerals from thier coat and causes dry skin,

    Do not kill her, that person is an idiot x*x

  4. For a Jack Russell this doesn't sound right at all. My mother had 2 Golden Retrievers and she only needed to hoover twice a day. You should get your dog to the vet

  5. Doctor can help.

  6. Just like you she needs to shower and dry off regularly, so take her in with you.  Just make sure you don't get stuff in her eyes and bathe her first, let her out and finish yourself.  The bathroom is gonna be wet though.  Oh and use something mild and not tested on animals, for her relatives sake.

  7. This does sound odd.  Not sure where you are, but we've had a particularly bad summer in the UK this year, and weather conditions do affect the coat.  She could just be losing her puppy coat - slowly, but that's unlikely too.  You could try giving her a good bath, with a good dog shampoo - bathing helps bring the dead coat out more quickly.  And you could see whether her diet is affecting this.  Recommend that you see your vet with her if you are really worried about this.  Has she been spayed?  If so, recently? because spaying does affect the coat (hormones and all that) and it could be that this needs to settle down.

    Can I recommend a good vac? lol.

  8. You definitely have my sympathy as my Jack x Maltese is the same! I wouldn't worry too much unless bare patches start appearing, then it could possibly be something to see the vet about, maybe as simple as eczema.

  9. Jack Russells do moult. If she's been getting wet with all the rain recently, that accelerates the process by loosening the dead hair. If she hasn't been spayed, it could be her hormones - b1tches moult around the time she would have had the pups then grow a new coat before they come into season again. Even if she's been spayed, b1tches still moult one a year. She'll  be getting ready for her new winter coat.

    As long as she isn't moulting to the stage where she has patches of bare skin, it's natural & there's nothing you can do except groom her daily. The odd bath won't hurt but bathing her too much will destroy all the natural oils in her skin which keep her coat in good condition.

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