
How do i stop my eating habits!!!?? HELP?

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look what i ate for JUST A SNACK! (oh and it was right before i went to bed)

nacho chips ( probley about 40 or 50 )

toast with peanut butter and honey

4 choco cookies

and im not even full AT ALL

because my stomach is so stretched and so big, although my body is just average, but im scared i am going to get fat soon, what should i do? i want to detox and loose 5 pounds at least! it will shrink my stomach right!?




  1. u need to train yourself to eat less i know its really hard i can do it anybody can do it

  2. a. start smoking

    b. keep your kitchen clean of snack foods, when you REALLY want something to eat, you have to cook it.

  3. I know EXACTLY how you feel. There are days where I go through the same thing and I feel sooooo bad after eating like that.

    I guess there is no easy way around it. At times, you just got to have the will power to stop snacking or binge eating. I find that concentrating on something else helps. Watch tv, read a book, go for a walk, play with your dog, call a friend, read a mindless magazine. Do anything but eating. And make sure to do all of this until you feel sleepy.

    Trust me, in the morning, you will feel alot better without all the guilt of binge eating. Maybe you are not having a good dinner? You might want to look into that.

    About detox diets, i find that they are not the best way to lose weight. Detox only if you want to get rid of toxins in your body, but do not confuse it with a diet plan.

    My suggestion would be to start with a diet plan, eat normal but healthy foods for a few days. And then start on a detox program over one weekend. Try it for one day..and if you can, continue for 2 days. Dont aim for too much, otherwise you will let your guard down and eat more than you should.  

  4. Ok, I know this is going to suck, but just force yourself to eat practically nothing for a few days. It's going to hurt like a ***** for a little while, but your stomach will shrink faster than you think. I used to eat bagel chips and bread like no other, but one day I just stopped eating so much- already I've lost 24 lbs.

    Be sure to drink lots of water since that will help stop your stomach from grumbling so much (sort of tricking the stomach into thinking that it's being filled with something) and will ease the heartburn you may get from the unused gastric acid. Plus water keeps you hydrated (I'll spare you the long, dumb speech about how if you don't have water you'll die).

    It's basically like being anorexic for a few days. Just make sure you get enough calories so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode and store fat (generally less than 600 calories/day is bad for your health). Also be sure to eat something because one day I didn't eat anything and threw up the next morning (lesson learned).

    So remember, it just takes a lot of self-control for the first few days, and then you can eat to relative satiety. Just be sure to watch what you eat, and to eat and what until that "I'm not hungry and I'm pretty satisfied" feeling instead of that "ugh! I'm so full but it was so good" feeling (which is what I always use to do and love). Don't worry, though; your stomach will shrink much more and much faster than you think (it may take longer if you're older and your stomach is used to being stretched for years and years and years). Good luck!

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that what I do is at night I get in my bed and get really comfy. That way I'm too lazy to get up and eat something when I really want to (especially when I'm watching the Food Network late at night; my mouth will literally water). Luckily, though, I'm too lazy and/or tired to do anything about it. Also try keeping less prepared things in your house. If you have to actually take the time to make something, your less inclined to do it. You also be less tempted if you just don't buy too much junk food; if you see cookies or chips in the aisle, pass them by, buy a small package, or only buy one. One thing that helps with the grocery part of restraining yourself is to never go shopping on an empty stomach. You'll be less likely to overbuy (both in terms of the number of things and the size of the packages). Of course, I always go to the grocery store hungry (the grocery bill is always twice as much if I go with my mom as opposed to her going alone) , but I'm sure that advice has to work for somebody.

  5. quantity doesnt matter. it is what u eat that matters. you dont seem to be eating a full meal, that is why u end up bingeing.  

    you dont need to starve or deprive yourself.  

    for a workable diet  

    here is what my dietician suggests .  follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent  veg, 25 per cent  carb.remember potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category,    25 per cent  protein.this will prevent cravings too.have a protein shake if you like occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ideally berries,  or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is  permanent loss.  pick an exercise regime you like.  

    get a pedometer and  try to take 10,000 steps everyday.

    dieticians offer eally good suggestions that r easy to follow. go to one

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