
How do i stop my ex from getting angry every time we talk?

by  |  earlier

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I left because i had a persiption drug &alcoholl problem,Witch change me to person i didn't like ,i couldn't talk to her as i was to ashamed of my self, them she didn't want me back after i got help ,now we can not talk without getting angry,I go to AA for my problems ,but she doesn't think i have a drinking problem.




  1. Obviously she is in denial of your problem. She probably misses the old you, because she had enabled you for so long during your problem. If you can get her to attend alanon, I think it would help her understand your problem more. When I went through treatment, getting the relationship back was the hardest thing, because honestly he was used to taking care of me and he didn't have to do that anymore. Keep the communication going, and let her know how you feel about everything. Trust me, it will get better.

  2. It takes two to fight. If you do not engage she will be alone. Eventually there will be no one to fight with. Stop defending yourself. Just be quiet. Why talk to her at all? If you have kids I can see it but if you don't then just leave her alone. Maybe she is bitter because you had a problem and broke up the marriage? Maybe she is just a mean person. Who knows.  

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