
How do i stop my fear of fighting? Plz help?

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i have a fear of fighting outside a controlled environment. Ive trained in karate and currently in muay thai. I have no problem fighting anyone inside the gym. They can be wearing 14 ounce gloves or wearing grappling gloves, even if they wanted to go bare knuckle i'd do it- there's no fear. When i spar in the gym i don't suck, good head movement, good form, conditioned shins. Ive been asked to do competitions by the instructor, but my parents wont let me. The fear stars outside of the gym, anyone i try to fight outside i cant, my legs start to shake uncontrollably to where i cant throw kicks, also my entire body starts to shake- not as much as my legs. I dont feel "fear" when it happens, i just cant stop shaking. Can anyone tell me whats going on and how to stop this from happening?




  1. As others have said it is a combination of adreniline, but you also have to factor in the unknown. In your class or competition you know that the worst that happens is you are going to go to sleep. either in a submition or froma strike.

    theres no garuntees anybody is going to stop it on the street. The guy could knock you out and then use your head like a soccer ball.

    Fighting in the streets is dumb, for any reason other then to protect your life or someone elses. If you street fight you get what you deserve.

    Maybe the shaking is your brains way of telling you it is wrong to fight because of your ego.

  2. what you feel is adrenaline and it affects everybody. stop thinking it is only you that feels like that.

    fear of the unknown creates adrenal hormones o flood your blood.

    do some research online on the effects of adrenaline on the body, look at symptoms. you will see that you are ot weak and afraid, but under the influence of the hormone. its like being on a drug.

    once you know thy enemy, you can understand how to use it FOR your aims, instead of against you.

    you will need to jump in and not fear loss. your experiences will fortify you until it is natural for you to feel it, but not let it corrupt you.

    if you never learned to ride a bike because of fear you would still be walking. know it, feel it, use it.

    the trouble with gym training is that it wont help you outside the gym. safety rules are off, and suddenly the unknown strikes. fear of teh unknown is something dojos cant teach you. dojos dont teach you to fight outsie the square, but to a strict style.

    adrnaline will destroy your fine motor skills and you will only have gross motor skills at your service.

    you may need to study the simpler (yet effective under stress) moves.

    it only takes one win to boost your morale.

    dont look at their strengths, find a weakness, or make one.


  3. Look, fighting outside of the gym is a dumb idea and should only be done if necessary  In the gym you are fighting in a controlled situation.  This reaction you so fear is normal and is a part of you.  The only way to overcome this fear is to be something you are not, a soldier.

    I spent 10 years of my life doing CQB for a living and I was trained exactly for this kind of work.  Ring situations and mat situations are controlled, I recommend that you try a combat art for a while just to gain some confidence and prepare you for weapons (knife, gun, bottle, bat, etc.) to at least prepare you for the weapons presented in an uncontrolled situation..

    Your reaction is normal, do you aspire to be a street fighter, if so why would you want to be.  The problem is simple, you have a normal fear reaction, something that would disappear if you had any time in uniform as a combat soldier, I come from a nation of combat soldiers, we also have a lower crime rate.

    Look, you could join the military for a tour, or just take that first hit, realize that all you have is an opponent and go after him, just like you would in an octagon.   On the street be more vicious, don't allow him time to think or pick up a weapon.  You have to turn off the part of your brain that thinks, and go on instinct, something you have harnessed in the gym.

  4. Probably because when your outside the gym you are fighting out of anger and your adrenaline takes over. Also it could be because there is no one to stop the fight or regulate it.

  5. U train with people in your area, of your proffesion. When fighting someone on the street, they get wild and wrecklous. as far as your fear, um it is something you just have to face. Dont let them hit you first, never, just start fighting outside your gym gradually.

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