
How do i stop my friends?

by  |  earlier

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i got two friends who completely know how i have been feeling. one knows because she read my diary. then she told the other. now both of them want to write my fiance. who is in the army. even though its making me feel worse. he's really stressed and i'm going to give him space. wait for him to contact me again. instead of bugging him everyday. they want to go and tell him how i feel. probably make him feel worse. make him blame himself for it. yes it would help to talk to him. but how i feel is not all because i haven't heard from him lately. i know he gets tired with all they make him do on the base. i don't want them to bug him. they think if he knows it will help me. nothing will help me if hes feeling like c**p and blaming himself for my problems. how i do i stop them?




  1. Well, first I would try to tell my friends why I don't want to tell him how I feel, explain to them that you don't want to make him moree stressed or unhappy. If they don't listen at all, and are still planning to write to him, I would write to him first just to write, maybe he's missing you too.

    Good Luck!

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