
How do i stop my husband, with nc laws, from stealing our newborn?

by  |  earlier

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I will be having this child soon, and he has wished this child dead on and off since I have been 7 weeks along. He only does this when he doesn't get his way and/or win an arguement. I don't believe he means it. His parents never took an interest in raising him or his sisters. Very selfish people. I pass off his disrespect and tantrums based on that. He says in NC he can take the baby and run off and I'll never see her.




  1. When you see your little newborn's face, the desperation you feel will give you the answer you need.

    As mothers, we will go to h**l and back for our babies.

    If you have to run and hide, do it.

    Get the h**l away from him.

    Disrespect and tantrums can quickly lead to complet violence.

    I took my son and left my first husband. He is a psychopath.

    Don't put his name on the birth certificate.

    To prove paternity under the law, it must be established, first.

    For all a court knows. the child isn't even his. See where I'm going with this?

  2. Stop making excuses for this guy.  Sounds like he needs serious help and if he has threatened the life of the baby all this time I question why you are even with this loser???

  3. have you thought of calling "the police" and complaing about "domestic violence" that he is threatening?

    how about your family? I am guessing they didn't come across on the Mayflower themselves if you catch my drift. don't be so quick to blame others.

  4. He is wrong. Sounds like he has some mental health issues.

  5. Well you were dumb enough to marry this guy, then dumb enough to make a baby with him, and now you're dumb enough to believe that line of c**p?  

    I'm so sorry for this baby, she's doomed before she even gets here.

  6. Here's the thing -- if your husband has threatened death to your child.  

    What you have to do is call the police and get a restraining order against him AND once you do, inform the hospital that he is not allowed.

    He is incredibly manipulative and unstable (no one who is stable makes threats like that) - you and the child are at serious risk of assult and death.

    You might pass off his disrespect but your child is helpless and he is a full grown adult who can hurt her easily.  Plus, is this the kind of mother you want to be - one who accepts emotional manipulation from others.  Or you can be a strong woman who protects herself and her child.

  7. I have a better question: why haven't you left this loser?

    If he does take that child, neither you nor anyone else will see her again. Alive, anyway. You need to do some serious thinking.

  8. Not true. Neither parent can run off with their child. It's called custodial interference, and, if he crosses state lines, can get himself in trouble with the Feds.

    If you are seriously worried about this, why not get a restraining order against him and your baby?


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