
How do i stop my male cat from picking on my other male cat?

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ok my oldest cat is neutered and everything but he is scared of my other male cat who isnt fixed yet, he wont even go to the litter cause the bully cat is just sitting there waiting for him to get down from the shelf and when it is feed time he goes and sits on the book case waiting for the food and if he gets down my bully cat will pick on him

when it comes to feed time they eat together until the food is gone and he runs off

also my female cat which is fixed picks on my neuted cat too..she just started to do it recently, she probbly following the crowed

but my male cat is a problem

is it possible it could be that he isnt neuted?




  1. I, too, have a bully cat. He was neutered as a kitten, so it isn't testosterone. I tried all of the things suggested here, and more. (Including giving the cat female hormones and then anti-anxiety meds after that didn't work.) I finally realized the bully cat won't ever change, but didn't want to give him up, so I put up screen doors inside my house in such a way that they effectively split the house in two. Bully cat on one side, bullied cat on the other. Problem solved. Every two weeks I switch them out, because one half of the house is mostly bedrooms and thus human-less much of the day, and I don't want either cat to feel lonely or abandoned. I did put a big kitty "tree" in the hallway in front of the screen door that faces the living room, so whichever kitty is stuck on the bedroom side can at least hop up on the perch and watch what's going on.

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