
How do i stop my rabbit biting me ?

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He is a 5 month old house rabbit and every time we pick him up also when we are in his outdoor enclosure he bites your toes how can i stop him doing this ?




  1. Bitter apple spray from a pet store or lemon juice.

    Put it all over your hands and feet.

  2. Is he neutered? It sounds like he's displaying some sexual aggression. He's hitting "rabbit adolescence" right now, so he'll be a lot more territorial, aggressive, and just generally unpleasant.

    You can reduce a lot of those unwanted behaviors - circling feet, biting - by having him neutered.

    FAQ on spaying/neutering:

    FAQ on aggression:

  3. Animals bite stuff. That's why they have teeth.

  4. well put some real hot chillie on wherever he attacks most and let him bite you but make sure theres water near by

    keep doing this till he stops

    it should take around 2 times to do the trick

    good luck

  5. Actually, he's a Rabbit so........

  6. cause him to have an unpleasant consequence when he bites.

    discipline after an unwanted behavior isn't very easy with something like a bunny. they simply don't usually connect the correction with their action. so prevention works better than anything else, and make any correction immediate and unforgettable.

    putting something like bitter apple (available at most pet stores), tobasco sauce or lemon juice on your hands & feet may help. when the rabbit bites, the consequence will be right then and there in the form of a really really bad taste. (it is a common thing for mother nature to do, as well, and it works for her...look at how many frogs & bugs have a bad taste to discourage attackers.) this did wonders with one of my ferrets who just couldn't get the idea out of his head that our toes were not nibble-toys.

  7. rabbits bite , dogs bark , women nag , its the way it is

  8. cook on 200oC for 45 mins should do the trick lol !!

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