
How do i stop my sister taking my stuff???

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we share a room so there is no chance of hiding anything




  1. Ugh!  That would be really annoying!  When I was in high school (Im now 23yrs old) my sister used to take EVERYTHING from my room when I wasnt there.  I wasnt home much because Id always be out of town (practically every weekend) and Id come home to a ransacked closet or missing makeup!  It pissed me off soooo much but I couldnt do anything about it.  Im glad that I moved out six years ago cause now I can leave and come home and everything is the same.  

    Im sorry but I dont know what you can do....maybe take her things too and when she says somethihg just tell her to stop taking your things and you will stop taking her things too.

  2. ask your mom to tell her to stop and if she keeps taking your stuff than lock them up in a safe box so she cant open it

  3. I used to have to share a room with my bro and had the same problem. Luckily i have my own room now.

    Of course, the first thing you should do is calmly tell her to stop.. :/

    (that doesnt work for me) haha so..

    Do it rght back to her. Take her stuff. Her most beloved things. Tell her that its only fair that if she can take your thins, you can take hers! and everytime she takes somthing, you do the same. If she really cares about her things then she'll leave yours alone. Its what I did and it worked!

    I got my own room when I was about 11 or 12. Now im 15. Ask your parents to have your own room (if thats even possible). You can also split your room up. Get a log peice of string or a jump rope, tie it to somthing on both ends and put a long blacket or somthing over it so its like a 'wall'. That way, its closer to privacy.

  4. Get a secret box that comes with a lock and key so that way u can lock your secret stuff in and hide the key so that your sister can't get your stuff....

    or... hide your stuff under your bed...

  5. talk to her tell her calmly to stop[

  6. get a large cheat that fits under your bed and put your most precious possessions in it then lock it and keep the key with you always or you can take her stuff and show how annoying it is . Sometimes talking to her works but if she is the type of sister who looks up to you.

  7. don't call her by her her real name, just call her thief all day long.  At the store, in front of her friends, family, everyone.  She'll stop.  My little sister did  No one likes to called out for stealing.

  8. Ask Santa for a lock for christmas and lock all your property away.

  9. Tell your mum or dad you would like more can try buying those safes or something....or you could get a padlockd chest with a code only you will know...i hole that helped

  10. idk. i don't even share a room with my sister. I went out of town and when i came back all of my stuff was gone. even stuff she didn't have any business in. like college stuff and stuff like that. and when i confronted her about it, she just denied it. idk. i f u figure it out, let me know

  11. Take a picture of her coming out of the bathroom first thing in the morning and threaten to post it all over the school.

  12. tell her to keep her lil hands off of you property... tell her the next time you notice anything of yours missing or you cant find it or she has it that your going to start throwing her stuff in the garbage..and u can really do it too like nothing big though,maybe a cd or bottle of perfume  

  13. It's your sis it's her job but if it bugs you that much than put stuff in places she would never think about or wouldn't dare go. Think out side the lines!

  14. talk to her n tell her u dont like her taking ur stuff n if she wont listen or keeps doing it u take hers to or if not kick her butt lol jk no violence

  15. just  talk  to here

  16. well if she is older then she might like ur stlye...(good thing)

    if shes younger then she looks up to u. she want to be like u so she takes ur stuff...

    now u should kindly say what she can take and what she cant take..=]

  17. OK well then hide it somewhere else! Or well my friend shares a room with her sister and she just says in a calm voice will you please stop doing that. Then they bring there mom into it!

  18. lock all the good stuff get a glue that is really strong..but only one way to get it off...with a certain thing...but dont tell ur  sis wat it is...then put glue over all ur when she touches it...she will get in trouble cause her mom will see it stuck to her hands. lol jk...ummm they sell lil' spy cams n' stuff...get one of those then she will get caught...or...put stuff high up in places where she cant reach =]

  19. Rub it on your nose and blown snot into it.

    Take her stuff even if you dont' like it

  20. teach her a lesson- take her stuff then when she asks u if u took it say something like 'how do u like it?" and say tht if she doesnt take ur stuff then u wont take hers.

  21. You should have a talk withher and tell her its not ok. Maybe bring your Mom in on the talk

  22. Kick her butt

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