
How do i stop my skin from peeling!?

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i have sun burn all over my face, and sun poisoning on my nose.

school starts in a few days and i DO NOT want peeling skin

any tips on what i could do to make it stop?

i am using this serious skin care stuff for dry skin, it helps while its on but im worried it will clog my pores




  1. Sun tan lotion. Body butter. And get a scrubber or loafa. and get alll the dead skin off

  2. i had something like that and what i recommend is just using regular facial washes, but then put a thick layer (almost like a mask) of a non greasy but thick lotion like, lubriderm or st. ives. right before you go to sleep. and when you wake up the next morning, put on a thin layer after you wash your face. as long as its not scented, then i guarantee that it will work.

  3. aloe vera from a gnc store is the best you keep it in the refrigerator and it comes in a plain brown bottle if not ask for the real stuff and then always use a good lotion like cocoa butter

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