
How do i stop my stupid friends from calling me somthing im not?

by  |  earlier

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they keep calling me camilla parker bowles like what the ham sandwhich i dont look like a bloody ham sandwhich, the names they give people really tend to stick and hurt peoples feelings i cannot take this anymore. what do i do

goodbye cruel world.




  1. REPEAT OUT LOUD whatever insult they said to you.. if it is in public better,

    this way u will leave them looking like idiots.. yeah u may look like one at first but trust me, this is a good tactic.

    if not, u could always punch them.

  2. Be strong and stick up for yourselves. Next time when they call you names don't stay quiet and let them tease you. Just laugh it off or something like that. Show that you don't care what you're being called coz you know who you are. If they don't appreciate you and upset you all the time it's not worth hanging around with them.

    Or what you could do is call them horrible names back so they know how it feels to be called names that they are not.

    Come on, it's not the end of the world. You know who you are and you deserve to enjoy every second of your life. Get rid of all the things, people, places that upset you.

    Good luck!

  3. They probably call you names because they know you're sensitive and easily teased. If you don't make a big deal out of it, neither will they.

  4. This is a form of bullying.

    I'm pasting a link here that describes some things about bullying, so you get a bigger picture of how this works aside from what's just being done to you. First read that.

    The best advice is not to overreact to the name. The people calling you this WANT to see you get upset---it gives them a sense of power over you. So it stands to reason that if you stop getting upset they will get tired of getting no reaction and they will stop.

    Here's a link that talks about how to handle bullies, with a section on name calling, and the bottom line here is that you take away the bully's power by ignoring it.

    Also, this link says to let an adult know. Depending on your age, this may be just your parent that you let know, if you're in HS, or if you're younger, your parent can let a teacher know. It is probably best if a teacher doesn't get involved at this point, but it might be important for the teacher to know who is doing this. It could escalate later, so it's good to let someone know.

  5. if your 'friends' are calling you these names are you sure that they're your friends? first straight fowardly tell them that you don't like being called these names and if they don't take it seriously or stop take a little break from them

  6. Tell them that is what their dad calls their mum in the throes of passion.

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