
How do i stop my teacher from thinking i'm spoiled?

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everytime i try to look nice and i spend money on my hair and new clothes. also one time we had a school trip and we had to pay $200. but i payed the whole on money up on that day. and everyone thinks i'm rich so people now try to rip me off. what should i do? i mean everyone dresses nice i'm not the only one. but it turns out people have to pay little by little because the cant come up with the whole money on one day.




  1. I wouldn't worry about it.  It's entirely possible that your teacher is frustrated because she doesn't make very good money.  However, it's unprofessional for her to treat you any differently.  I don't think you should change yourself.  There is not much left of this school year, so I really wouldn't worry about it.  If people are trying to rip you off, don't bring more then a few dollars to school.

    Good luck.

  2. win other people not by your money or apperance, just by your thought and what you think you should be

  3. BONE UP on your ENGLISH and study philosophy.  That'll DO it!

  4. You can't change someone else's thinking. Why not stop caring what your teacher thinks?

  5. its the way you represent your self how you will get treated

    It seems like you DO care more about your appearance than your education.

  6. Perhaps you should stop acting spoiled.  I sincerely doubt that it's your ability to pay that makes her feel that's probably the way you handled making the payment, and how you handle your pretty self in class.

    Employ a little goes a long way.

  7. i agree with the other answers that all you care about is expensive clothes. i hope c**p gets thrown at you one day and you will have no friends and you'll be so depressed that you will be homeschooled for the rest of your life. And I'll be the one smiling and laughing at the end.

  8. i agree with the other answers completely:

    you obviously are well off and maybe you project by the clothes you wear and even maybe by the way you act. if thats true, try to stay out of conversations about money etc and you can change the clothes you wear to tone it down but you shouldn't have to go to that extent. as you said a lot of people wear nice clothes. you could on another occasion pay the $200 in small amounts but remeber that the money you have shouldn't effect who you are. being able to hand in $200 all at one time is not what makes you spoiled but you need to know that some people are less fortunate and not take your lifestyle for granted.

    it also so true that if your teacher thinks you are spoiled, it is probubly not the most important thing and wont matter in the long run as long as you yourself is ok with however you act. wat matters is if ur happy!

  9. Stop thing that don't worry if ur teacher thinks that just be who you r and don't worry how ur life is compared to others!

  10. you can't change what others think but you do not need to tell them everything. Pay the money in an envelope so noone knows how much you are paying.

  11. r u spoiled?

    do u act spoiled?

    tone it down a bit

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