
How do i stop over-eating?

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i eat pretty healthily - but late at night i tend to stuff my face with fattening stuff - like biscuits, nuts, chocolate, bread and butter - and other stuff too like cereal and fruit. but i just can't seem to stop myself. i've been anorexic for around 4 years (diagnosed professionally) - and i think this is just another type of my eating disorder..(over-eating instead of not eating at all).. Believe it or not i've gained around 15 kilos since about april - and i'm devastated. can some1 help? i feel like c**p and guilty every day bcoz of it all. help me plz




  1. not eat so much?

  2. I'm sorry that you've been through so much. I can really relate though. I used to be very much in control of what I ate, and was very slender, maybe on the brink of anorexia. Basically I was too thin for my natural shape. Then suddenly I went through a period of enormous stress, and I lost all control. I have been battling with the same problems for almost two years now, and it's one of the most destructive, horrible things that can happen to you. I told my mum about it, and she is gradually helping me through. I think that's what you need to do too; speak to someone, so you're not alone. If someone else is monitering you, helping you, not only will you feel you have someone to talk to, but you're far less likely to go off the rails and start bingeing. If someone's aware of your problem, they can often help you to recover.

    So that's what i strongly recommend. It's more than just a dieting thing, it's a physcological issue as well, and it has to be nipped in the bud. It's not healthy, mentally or physically. Good luck. xxxx

  3. Don't buy the things you tend to overeat. Even though you eat fruit late at night, it's not as bad so I would still keep buying that - along with veggies. Snack on those at night instead of the other, fattening and high carb foods. I used to be anorexic as well, for a few years, and when I recovered, I had the problem with overeating and it unfortunately became bulimia. I stopped that by stopping the overeating and exercising regularly. It feels much better when you regain control, you can do it.  

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