
How do i stop over thinking ?

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i over think absolutely everything and its really starting to bug me cause when i over think always assume the worse! Therefore i put myself in a down mood. what can i do to stop this form happening?




  1. It runs in my family...... what you gotta do is keep your body busy

    join clubs do some outdoor activities. Do things that makes you proud of yourself. Things your good at.

  2. I am the very same way. I have learned that it is o.k. A matter of fact we think things through where others may act on impulse or make a choice before really thinking about it and realize they made a big mistake whereas you and I already thought it through and already know what each route  would bring us. Try not to worry. It is so easy to get deep in our thinking and start thinking about the worst and start worrying about it. That's why you are then bummed. Try to start thinking positive in each situation. Your thought life can definately control how you feel. So think on good things. When bad things come to mind say no I will not think the worst and try your best to think happy outcomes. Fill your mind with good things. Don't feed on trash. What goes in will eventually come out. I hope all this makes sense. Try your best to listen to Joel Osteen. He speaks alot on thoughts and how to turn them around. He has helped me so much! Actually The Lord thru him has helped me tremendously.  

  3. Part of thinking less, is doing more (of certain things). See site below that tells how you can get into a state where your thoughts slow down so much that time slows down or stops. The less you think, the happier you become.

  4. over thinking is not a bad..... absolutely but thinking in negative way is bad......person over-thinks only when he or she has a problem in a life ......remember one thing if there is a problem it means there must be solution ..........for that problem.try to get involved in creation work u can convert ur overthinking into creativity......... try to spend more time on developing ur hobbies.......... i m sure u will feel change in urself. one more thing is creative work always give pleasure it will not take u to down mood.... always in positive mood.....

  5. i suggest escapism (movies, internet, drugs, hanging out with friends, etc.)

  6. Have a beer occasionally, you don't have to get drunk and don't drink everyday,  just 1 beer per week or per couple weeks, just relax, listen to music,  take a break from thinking too much all the time

  7. just say to urself "STOP" and then put all ur energy into it.

    If you know its doing you no good, then thats a great motivation to stop. Overthinking dosent help as the more you think about, the more questions you have. And then the more you then dont know, because of the questions. And the more stressed you feel as a result. And then the more thinking you have to do! its like a cycle.

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