
How do i stop procrastinating?

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How do i stop procrastinating?




  1. i'll tell you later.......... (sorry couldn't resist lol)

    Whenever you are procrastinating, do whatever needs doing, and remember that you will regret it if you dont.  there's no magic fix or trick or anything.

    please answer mine.

  2. Do what I do and tell yourself that whatever it is you don't want to do is never as bad as you think it will be (I always find that to be true), and you'll be so glad after that you've got it out of the way!  

  3. talk to people about your anxiety

  4. Can I get back to you?

  5. Ahhh the procrastinating problem. All it really is, is the habit of putting things off. Most cases with work, or school stuff.  

    What is it that you are putting off? The more you do it, the worse habit you get. If it is things you need to do during the day, get a planner. Get back into the habit of being on time and doing things right away. Get out of the habit of putting things off.

    If it is something like homework, do it right away. Tell yourself- if i get this done right away and out of the way, I can do whatever for the rest of the day. Keep that up and stop putting things to the side, and you will be out of the habit in no time!  

  6. tell yourself how happy you will be when you get it done. Chant to yourself, 'Get it done, get it done, get it done, get it done, get it done...."

    remember, priortities!

  7. Just do the most important stuff first

  8. pro 'forward' + crastinus 'belonging to tomorrow'.

    So I'll tell you tomorrow.

    You do know, incidentally, that tomorrow does, in fact, never come?

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