
How do i stop receiving any emails in my bulk?

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How do i stop receiving any emails in my bulk?




  1. cancel your email accounts

  2. what does ur question got to do with the category, 9ij ennik 7amanny!

  3. go to option and change your settings.

  4. Are you using yahoo to read your email. You don't tell us what your email reader is.

    Some ideas are; to change your settings in your email like yahoo or whatever to move all bulk immediately to the trash. I like to watch my bulk folder personally because I get students email that accidentally gets put in the buik folder.

    Some other ideas that may or may not apply:

    Unfortunately, there is no sure-fire way eliminate bulk email. As the problem gets worse, you can expect services to appear offering spam-free email accounts, and email filtering software will become increasingly sophisticated. In the meantime, the most effective way to stop bulk email is to make your objections known:

    Reply to the sender of the email, saying that you do not wish to receive such mailings, and that you object to such activities. If the message offers a way to remove yourself from a list, use it. Many addresses that bulk email appears to be sent from are forged, so be aware these messages may bounce.

    Examine the headers of the message to determine the site where the message originated. (This information is usually in the bottommost "Received:" header line.) Although this information can be forged, it's usually more useful than the names of intervening sites. Write a mail message to the username "abuse" or "postmaster" at that site, with a brief, polite note, the full headers of the message you received, and the message itself. Try to leave the subject line intact. This is the text I use to reply to junk email:

    "I received the following unsolicited bulk email ("spam"), which apparently originated from your site. Please take appropriate action to ensure this doesn't happen again."

    Although you may not receive a response to these messages, Internet providers usually a warn a bulk emailer that the activity should stop. If the mailings continue, the provider will usually terminate the account.

    Some Internet providers and online services have local email addresses or newsgroups where you can report bulk email messages. With enough information, the provider can then handle the matter for you. Check your provider's or online service's help system or customer service information.

    In the event you receive bulk email from an Internet domain specifically set up to send bulk email, these tactics are likely to fail. If you're familiar with utilities like Whois and Traceroute, you might be able to identify that site's upstream providers and complain to them, but that's too detailed to discuss here.

  5. 1. if a  message delivered to your Bulk Mail folder is more appropriately delivered to your inbox, click the "Not Spam" button.

    2. you can add the sender to your Address Book.

    3. you can set up a filter to redirect received messages to any folder you wish.

  6. Turn your bulk mail off!

  7. i am not sure how to but i know that ou can turn off your bukk some how , call a computer teck he took mine off

    hope i helped

  8. You can turn your bulk off..But be prepared to have all your email(including junk mail) which is why there is bullk, to all go to your normal email and you will be flooded with junk!!!

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