
How do i stop reverting to p**n whenever i am depressed?

by  |  earlier

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whenever i am sad, i revert to p**n to ease my troubles. how do i stop that habit because im starting to venture into really strange p**n like shemales etc because the regular p**n shock value is decreasing.




  1. get a real girl kk?

  2. p**n is good

  3. Find out what the relationship between depression and pornography is.

    Until you know or are aware of the relationship between the two, you won't be able to deal with it properly.  It may  take some psychological guideance to find out, some professional help.

    Are you sure you do not become depressed just to give yourself an excuse to use p**n?  Depression usually results in episodes of being almost crippled and not being able to do anything.  Yet you say looking at pron gives you shock value.  You need to find a substitute for your sexual preferences, like a real person, perhaps?

  4. seriously dont stop if that is what is making you happy feel proud that there is stuff that make you feel happy when you're depressed, some people have no way out

  5. Get rid of the cause of your depression.

  6. Just stop watching p**n. It distorts the image of a girl and your expectations ....Its only good for one thing... a release,

    You have to find a girl.

  7. hey,it might feel good but you have to stop. if you get a hobby you can forget about p**n. but only look at p**n oncemonthth

    hop this helped Groovey

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