
How do i stop smoking?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to stop smoking because i no its bad for my health and costs me loads of money i have tried nicoterte and all the patches and gums an stuff i usualally smoke 15 - 20 a day and an find it hard quiting all my friends smoke so i find it harder i jus wondred if n e 1 has tried ziban an if they have how good is it ?




  1. There you go. It costs a lot of $$$$$$$. How can you be so tempted???? An 15-20 sounds like a lot.  Use Chantix. It's the best known thing out there. Look into it. You will never feel the urge to smoke again.

  2. I had to just set my mind to it! make a set day to quit start cutting down then on that day...quit! It is not easy and I still sometimes feel the need to light up but I don't I value my health too much!  Good luck keep us posted!

  3. show this site to those people concerend and they will think twice on smoking

  4. try smoke deter, it has guareanteed result.

  5. You stop smoking.
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