
How do i stop studdering when i talk?

by  |  earlier

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when i talk, things sometimes dont come out clear. i dont know why.

i know what im saying, just when i say it, it comes out wrong




  1. you can't I have stuttered scince I was about 7 and the more you try and stop the worse you stutter, all you can do is try not to get too depressed.

  2. see a speech language pathologist... u may need some therapy

  3. That is a bummer!  There are techniques to deal with stuttering like practicing speaking and singing at the same time.  Singing comes from a different area of the brain than talking.  

    Any MD could perhaps direct you to some speech pathologist who could give you some helpful advice.  

  4. I used to stutter as well, I practiced talking in front of a mirror and focused on what I was saying.  Seek a linguistic counselor if you feel that it may benefit.

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