
How do i stop sweating?

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When im really nervous or scared i get really hot and then sweat. I dont know if this is genes or anything like that but i wish if theres any way to stop this. When i mean sweat i dont just mean armpit and yes i do use deoderant. My face gets oily and my head is all sweaty, iknow this sounds weird. Its also not just me being nervous its daily i sweat more than normal people when its just a tab bit hot outside i sweat very easily comparing to my mom and some of my friends? What do i do? Help...! 10 points......




  1. It sounds like you may have anxiety. When I get nervous like that sometimes my palms sweat and I'll get really hot....

  2. I don't know how to help....., its just every human sweat and every human doesn't sweat the same amount.

  3. Dude, sweating is a natural thing to happen tot he body. All you got to do is wear anti-perspirant like.. lynx, rexona etc. Also.. you should be using body like body wash when your in the shower. It should cleanse your skin. Works for me.. :)

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