
How do i stop the deer from eating my sunflowers?

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I have sunflowers right by my house and the deer keep eating them




  1. You can actually buy coyote urine at some garden shops.  You can get little plastic vials, pour the urine in them, and place them around your garden (do this outside--it smells HORRIBLE!).  Since coyotes are predators, deer, rabbits, and other "critters" will avoid the area like the plague.  

  2. We put up an electric fence... it doesn't really give a SHOCK but they steer away from it... also moth balls I heard work well.

  3. someone told me that sprinkling human  urine around the area would work, or I saw in a movie that they put hair clippings onto a field where they were trying to get grass to grow

  4. Land mines

  5. Try and get some human hair from a barbers/hairdresser and put into a pair of tights and hang from the plants. Even when it has rained the smell remainss for a few month. Usually deer only eat newsucculentt plants, once they are older they do not touch them anymore. Good Luck

  6. Get in touch with the local Game Warden or Game Conservation office and ask for a couple of bottles of "Hinder".  It's a liquid that smells like ammonia, and it will keep them clear of the sunflower plants.  I wouldn't put it directly on the sunflowers themselves if you're planning to eat the seeds!

  7. Fences are the only way that worked for me. I've tried repellents with no success.

  8. tie a strip of fabric softener sheet to the plants they are eating

    they won't like the smell.

    there are a lot of other things you can do.

    but right by the house

    the smell of the sheets

    won't gross you out like some other common deer repellents

    --- blood meal, human hair, dog p**p, coyote urine

    >>>>>> ick.

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