
How do i stop this????????????????????

by  |  earlier

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i was on my fave website to look up lyrics when i looked to the side and it said if u know hannah montana take this quiz if u pass u get a free ring tone so i clicked it thinking cool so i won and it said whats ur number pick a ring tone and write the pin number we will send so they sent the pin and it said thank u for joning flycell ur bill of 9.99 will be sent to u soon i tryed calling the comany to stop the bill but when i did all they had was recoding guy that help with fly cell problem i canceld my subscription but still it said u will still be billed for the first month if my mom gets the bill my cell will be taken away what should i do??




  1. well maybe you can give 10 dollars of your own or tell your mom what happened she shouldnt mind it was just a mistake

  2. Do you have the URL, http://www. etc. etc.??.  If so send to me and I will trace them and give you the complete address where they are located or if they hide behind a proxy I will tell you.

    Mind Doctor France

  3. tell your mom what happened and give her the 10 bucks, im sure she won't be mad - Good Luck !

  4. get $10.00....

    pay it to mommy...

    tell her how sorry you are RIGHT NOW...

    let her know it was all in accident and you dont want to get into trouble.

    tell her you know the internet isn't safe anymore and anything can happen and tell her that you now realize it and promise her for sure she will not get anymore surprise bills.

  5. just tell her you dont know anything about it.

    :) Lol

  6. well first off everyone knows not to do those things..over the internet and on the tv. if you read the fine print it tells you what our getting yourself into...

    and to resolve it, yes cancel the subscription and u should tell your mom now so she doesnt get a surprise bill and get upset about it. offfer to pay for it is only 10 bucks..then maybe she wont get so mad.  

  7. Get a new sim card, you can get them free, have alook around in cell phone shops

  8. I would simply write to them and tell them they are a scam and im not gonna pay anything to them and let them know you have reported them to the IC3 and then go here and report this website for scamming, here is the internet crime reporting center

    Good Luck


  9. Confess to your mom before you get the bill.  The sooner you tell her, the better the odds are that she can get it reversed.  Explain to her that you learned a valuable lesson and it'll never happen again.

    One other thing that you might wanna try... call the number back and keep hitting 0 (zero) until you get connected to a human.  Explain that you are a teenager and cannot be legally held to any contract.  (Your mom might give this a go if you're unsuccessful.)

    Just FYI, there's no such thing as 'FREE' - everything costs something.  The website that you were on probably got paid because you clicked on that link.  Avoid those scams, at all costs!


  10. Don't you know about these things? It's in the fine print!!

    Call your service provider, tell them what happened, explain its a mistake, and if you can kindly have it taken off your bill. If they say no, explain to your parents it was a mistake, you didn't know it was a trap, then ask for forgivness and please not to take away your phone.  

  11. Own up and let your mom fight the companies.  This sounds like very shady trading to me,  Explain it to your mom like you did to us.  

    Only an adult can fix this.  Did you give your real age?  There are laws against selling stuff to minors.  

  12. You should probably stay away from free things on the internet and from ad banners that have hannah montana. But that's just a start. . You should just tell your mom before your phone bill gets there and let her know you got scammed.

  13. You have already paid for it..... just hope you unsubscribed as they will keep taking your money ALSO you will get a lot of text message ads to your mobile which should stop after a year or so

  14. If you are under 18 you cannot legally enter a binding contract. Send them a letter to that effect with their bill.

    Have you mom write them a nasty letter, too.

    Old enough to avoid fly cell tricks

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