
How do i stop worrying

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If you dont want to read this then it's okay i'm sorry for making it so long :'(.

I'm always worrying, panicking and stressing about things. Like how my face will look tomorrow if i don't get to sleep tonight. Then i worry about not sleeping when i'm in my bed I'm always thinking about not sleeping and i start to panic and my heart races and dont end up getting to sleep. I have very bad depression and worry about little simple things that any normal person wouldn't. It's killing me i can't even find the motivation to get up and go to school, I have missed alot of it because i feel i look to tired or too ugly or too pale because my fake tan hasnt came out properly. HELP ME !! im scared to see a doctor because what if he thinks im lying and then im on my own and noone will believe me then and i'm off for the school holidays and im still worrying!!! i'm in like most days because i look pale and disgusting im dreadding going back to school because it's 5 days straight with no relaxation i cant go that long, i normally only last up to wednesday then im off the rest of the week due to tiredness from worrying too much. i want some anti depressants but im worried they wont work before i go back to school (1 month) please suggest what i can do :( im 14




  1. A counselor will believe you. Talk to someone at school. Try keeping a journal so you can get some of these worries out of your head. Also exercise can help depression. Try going for a run or getting a video so you can work out in your living room.

    Everyone gets depressed sometimes. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Go get some help.

    Pills are one treatment for depression. There are others, such as therapy.

  2. this is serious!

    go see a doctor, he will believe you i promise, depression is a horrible thing to go through. Go see a doctor, really he/she can help.

    i am pale too, i like being pale, don't care about it, people wont care whether you are pale or not.

  3. Make a worry box; write down the things that worry you and put them in a box.  You are not allowed to worry about them once they're in the box.  Check the box each week and you'll find all sorts of things that you worried about and didn't need to.

  4. relax and think of the good things you have and laugh.  Sit down and make a list of all the good things in your life.

  5. You take a relaxed point of view on things!

  6. Whoa, just calm down!

    You don't need to be worried about being ugly or pale, i know everyone says this, but that's because it's so true: The people who are worth knowing will like you whether you're beautiful or not! Trust me, I spent so long with self esteem issues, i know it eats away at you.

    As for the not sleeping because you're worried, the exact same thing happens to me, what I usually do is focus on pushing everything out of my mind, and after a while I calm down a lot. If that alone doesn't work, and you end up staying up half the night, try getting up and drinking some hot tea, if you put enough sugar in it, it's actually really good, and it's so soothing. ;)

  7. It's very hard  if you have a symptom of that--as you do--and also, with the way this world and society are, it's almost impossible to stop!
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